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Re: (< complex) and friends

From: Jon Wilson
Subject: Re: (< complex) and friends
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 23:07:57 -0400
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080724)

Here's a different way to think about it that makes the (<) case, as well as perhaps (< 2 1 "hi"), make sense quite naturally. < is a procedure that returns #f if any of its arguments is less than or equal to the preceding argument. Otherwise, it returns #t.

This definition makes the case (< a b) extend quite naturally to (< a b c ...), as well as to (< a) and (<).

And anyway, what harm does (<) really do? Why do you think that it is "broken"?

Many functions which expect a list (fold, map) or a number of arguments (+, *) accept an empty list or no args as degenerate cases, and give sensible results. When you write a procedure which expects a list or uses a rest arg, you generally handle the degenerate cases gracefully (instead of raising an error). Why should < not be the same?

Bill Schottstaedt wrote:
A couple similar cases:

guile> (< 2 1 "hi") #f

guile> (* 0 "hi") 0

On the (apply < ...) business, I'd rather get an error than have something
broken go by just because "it is prettier".  That null list is going to trip 

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