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Re: guile-tutorial does not know bounded stack size

From: Neil Jerram
Subject: Re: guile-tutorial does not know bounded stack size
Date: 13 Jul 2002 01:09:26 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/20.7

>>>>> "M" == M Luedde <address@hidden> writes:

    M> Hello!
    M> The guile-tutorial provides an example calculating the factorial of
    M> 500.

    M> The non-tail-recursive version from the tutorial yields a stack
    M> overflow on my system. A tail-recursive implementation works.

Many thanks for the report.  However, this is broadly a feature, not a
bug.  Unless you think that Guile should have an unlimited stack size,
a non-tail-recursive factorial will always overflow the stack for a
big enough number.

You can examine and increase Guile's stack limit like this:

guile> (debug-options 'full)
show-file-name  #t      Show file names and line numbers in backtraces when not 
`#f'.  A value of `base' displays only base names, while `#t' displays full 
stack           20000   Stack size limit (measured in words; 0 = no check).
debug           yes     Use the debugging evaluator.
backtrace       yes     Show backtrace on error.
depth           20      Maximal length of printed backtrace.
maxdepth        1000    Maximal number of stored backtrace frames.
frames          3       Maximum number of tail-recursive frames in backtrace.
indent          10      Maximal indentation in backtrace.
width           79      Maximal width of backtrace.
backwards       no      Display backtrace in anti-chronological order.
procnames       yes     Record procedure names at definition.
trace           no      *Trace mode.
breakpoints     no      *Check for breakpoints.
cheap           yes     *Flyweight representation of the stack at traps.
guile> (debug-set! stack 200000)
(show-file-name #t stack 200000 debug backtrace depth 20 maxdepth 1000 frames 3 
indent 10 width 79 procnames cheap)
guile> (fac 500)

Is this OK, or do you think the documentation needs improving
somewhere?  (If you do, it would be most helpful if you could suggest
a patch ...)


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