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[Bug-gsl] gsl installation error

From: Marco Maggi
Subject: [Bug-gsl] gsl installation error
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 12:56:17 +0200

"Cole Johnston" wrote:
> I'm trying to install gsl and I keep running into the same
> problem.  I've  tried a  few "solutions" suggested  to me,
> but none seem to work.

IMHO the  problem is  in Ruby/GSL, not  GSL; in  the package
rb-gsl-1.14.7  the file  "ext/vector_complex.c" defines  the
following around line 1989:

static int gsl_vector_complex_equal(const gsl_vector_complex *v1,
  const gsl_vector_complex *v2, double eps)

and this  conflics with the  following from the  header file

int gsl_vector_complex_equal (const gsl_vector_complex * u,
                                    const gsl_vector_complex * v);

  You should complain with the Ruby/GSL maintainer.

Marco Maggi

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