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[Bug-gsl] Simplifiying gsl_poly_solve_quadratic()

From: James Ward
Subject: [Bug-gsl] Simplifiying gsl_poly_solve_quadratic()
Date: Tue, 5 Apr 2011 19:51:48 -0400

In gsl_poly_solve_quadratic(), you could replace the complicated:

if (b == 0)
          double r = fabs (0.5 * sqrt (disc) / a);
          *x0 = -r;
          *x1 =  r;

with the simpler:

if (b == 0)
          double r = sqrt (-c / a);
          *x0 = -r;
          *x1 =  r;

you could also move the assignment of disc after the linear case,

disc = b * b - 4 * a * c;

since disc is not used in the linear case.

Best wishes,

Jim Ward

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