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Re: [Bug-grub] Compiling a multi-boot kernel.

From: Jason Thomas
Subject: Re: [Bug-grub] Compiling a multi-boot kernel.
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 12:38:17 +1100
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Are you trying to recompile a kernel for linux. If so ignore the
multiboot stuff. You just want something like this:

        title           Debian GNU/Linux, kernel 2.4.20-rc2
        root            (hd0,0)
        kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20-rc2 root=/dev/hda1 ro

in your grub.conf or menu.lst

multiboot is a specification that defines an interface between a boot
loader and an operating system. You should not have to do anything with
multiboot to your kernel code. It either supports multiboot or it

On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 03:46:33PM -0800, Nicholas P. Bernstein wrote:
> Well, I found the program mbchk and it told me that do not have multi-boot
> headers in my standard built kernel. According to the documentation that
> I've found out in the wild
> (http://www.openbg.net/sto/os/xml/grub.html#multiboot) -- which is pretty
> much it. I have to add some code that they post to kernel.c and create a
> file called start.asm. Problem is: kernel.c does not exist, and I'm getting
> kind of flummoxed.
> I need some help. I have to believe there is an easy way to do this that I
> am missing. It does not make sense to me that I would have to be a developer
> to recompile a kernel. Could someone please let me know what the specific
> steps to compile and boot a kernel with grub as opposed to lilo? If there is
> no simple way, then I'm going to have to scrap grub and go back to lilo.

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