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DoC grub_firmware (newbie..)

From: David Updegraff
Subject: DoC grub_firmware (newbie..)
Date: Sat, 09 Mar 2002 12:10:52 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.7) Gecko/20011226


I have some used NEOWARE boxes with a DoC 2000 unit in which
I am unable to get a working grub_firmware installed.

As per what I've been able to gleen from the lists, I
CVS'd current grub, applied the DoC 200 and Millenium boot
patch, built grub with --enable-diskonchip.  No troubles

Using pxelinux, I net-boot the NEOWARE unit with nfsroot ok,
and mtd/util/doc_loabios /dev/mtd/0 grub/stage1/grub_firmware.

On reboot I get "Jumping to Grub".  Thats it. No grub> prompt.
Keyboard dead.

Is there an actual binary grub_firmware image somewhere that
someone has actually been able to get to boot on Doc2000
and then proceed to accept a root(dc0,0) command?  If/when
I get grub_firmware to boot up, what would I expect it to
say to root([TAB] ?

I have tried nftl_formating (giving it an offset of the size
that doc_loadbios said it wrote..  is that right?) or not,
no impact.

Thanks much.

Dave Updegraff /   218-525-1154   / 218-343-7176(cel)
address@hidden / 5130 Washburn Rd /  Duluth MN 55803

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