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[Bug-gnuts] you'll be startled Growth alert that brings profit
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celebrate |
Subject: |
[Bug-gnuts] you'll be startled Growth alert that brings profit |
Date: |
Thu, 28 Sep 2006 15:08:48 +0100 |
Ho t s tock aler t - IN FX. PK
A lert - breaking mark et new s report - I NFX. PK
Comp any name: Inf inex Ventures , I nc.
Lookup: I NFX. PK
Cur rent P rice: $.65
Expected: This one is going to grow at a rapid rate.
Infin ex Ventur es, I nc. (O TCBB: IN FX) ("the Comp any") is pleased to
announce that it is in negotiations to acquire an interest in the Bo livar
Propert y located on T exada Is land, B ritish Col umbia, Canad a. The Property
consists of 23 adjacent mineral claims and 2 crown grants centered
approximately 1.5 miles (2.4 km) west of the town of Vananda, B.C. Previous
drilling programs have outlined a significant resource with a high
concentration of g old. One diamo nd drill hole across the zone returned a
one-foot (0.3 m) intersection assaying 20.84 oz/ton G old (714.5 g/t Gol d).
Trenching, d iamond drilling and b ulk test sampling of the Bolivar depos it
has revealed numerous spectacular "streaks and stringers" of free g old in
graphitic shear zones. As per Assessment Report 16702, a 1734 tonne bu lk
sample from the Bolivar pit returned a total of 1031.14 grams of g old.
Infinex's pending acquisition of the Boliv ar Proper ty is a strategic one
that, along with the Comp any's interest in the Yew Property, will provide it
with control of a substantial portion of the minin g properties and reserves on
Texa da Isla nd. Infinex intends to finalize this acquisition by the end of
septem ber.
On Behalf of the Board Infinex Ventures Inc. Michael De Rosa, President
Wat ch this st ock go higher and higher
Any of the above statements with respect to the future predications or goals
and ev ents may be seen as only foward looking and nothing else. All i
nformation inside this ema il pertaining to any sort of fin ancial advice need
to be understood as just inform ation and not any real advice. None of the
infor mation above can be constructed as any sort of f inancial advice.
Confidentiality Statement
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- [Bug-gnuts] you'll be startled Growth alert that brings profit,
celebrate <=