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[Bug-gnuts] mighty

From: Hugo Swain
Subject: [Bug-gnuts] mighty
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 23:52:19 +0200

Or ye might have been massacred by ane o the Haripol sumphs wi tenbullets in the big bag.
It would be goodfor Johnson Claybodys soul to see you!
We need more turf, and she disappeared from sightbeyond a knoll. He had known it before, but now came the flash of supreme conviction.
Nae poch-a-bhuie for me the day, he grinned. Once the watershedhad been crossed Watties heart lightened.
He laboured to follow with the same precision.
We may as well be properly wet, she said. Her bright hair,dabbled with raindrops, was battened down under an ancient felt hat. But I was too nervousto sit with the others, so I found a corner at the back below the gallery. But theres a fifth who does sentry-go, and I dont fancy the look of himso much.
He loved freedom better than his happy home. I looked for it afore night, but no that early in the day. Is it fair to kill the best beast in the forest?
Theyll either be triumphant or savage, and in either case theyll talk.
The two lay in the current for what seemed to Lamancha at leasthalf an hour. When she returned she was excessively muddy as tohands and garments. It was an unfamiliar noise among the manyfamiliar ones which at the moment filled the corrie.
Were no withinsix hundred yards o yon beasts, he said.
After that it seemed advisable to Wattie to keep to the water,which was flowing in a deep-cut bed. The hind turned her head,and trotted off up-wind. Charles must be somewhere behind protectin the rear. Ive just had a letter from Dickinson on which Id like your views. Yeve beaten a hundred navvies and Macnicol and a, and yeve gottenthe best heid in the country-side. Where dyou suppose the leery old birdhas got to? We need more turf, and she disappeared from sightbeyond a knoll.
He was impatient for Wattie to finish, for the air seemed tohim lightening.
The navvies followed with difficulty, for they had no gift of speed ona steep hill-face.
Did you pull that great bruteall the way yourself?
If anything hashappened there, she said, you will hear about from the gillies. He tried that steep bit and couldna manage it.

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