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[Bug-gnuts] dismantle

From: Clement Skinner
Subject: [Bug-gnuts] dismantle
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 14:00:22 +0300

Not that Fran said anything rude at lunch.
Maybe wont be as swell as someof these castles, but lot more comfy all right! There was a room waiter, very morose, whospoke of creamed haddock and kippers.
But she couldnt help being a little over-courteous to Hurd when hecame in.
Guess itd be pretty hard to ever forget YOU were around,Mrs.
What, actually, she was thinking, he didnot know. I told you it was only a box, Lockert drawled, as he drew up witha sputter of gravel at the door. Theirsuperciliousness shut Sam out in the darkness along with the kindlyold banker.
Guess you folks would like some Americangrub for a change.
Ive always wanted to see it, just asmuch as you have. I WONT bethe presidents little lady to that awful bunch of back-slappingsalesmen!
And you, whofeel youre so European, youre so typically American!
And you, whofeel youre so European, youre so typically American! And, as heartily as Hurd,he shouted, Wait there!
Say, maybe we arentshoving over what we got left of the old Series V on theBritishers, too!
If Hurd isbuying us all this expensive food, we got to give him a cocktailfirst.
But of course you Yanks, roving yourbroad steppes, never dream of such puerile triumphs.
You think of nothing beyond business and golf. No, really, I think it would be lovely to have your Mr. He felt friendly with such old-fashioned shops as were left on St. But of course you Yanks, roving yourbroad steppes, never dream of such puerile triumphs.
And maybe youll be able tocome out to us for the week-end after that.
And all through the evening Sam kept confusing Mrs.
Justbecause life is more easy and human here, I feel more out of it. He hated to desert her, their firstmorning in London, but he was hungry. Tonight,Fran had to endure a mere double bedroom with a private bath. If Hurd isbuying us all this expensive food, we got to give him a cocktailfirst.
Well, youll find all that coming back to you before long.
He was simply going to be more of Sam Dodsworth than he hadever been.

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