FROM vbatts/slackware:15.0 ARG REPO="" RUN echo "Upgrading and installing slackware system (without X)" RUN echo "${REPO}" > /etc/slackpkg/mirrors && \ echo 'WGETFLAGS=--quiet' >> /etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf && \ echo 'DEFAULT_ANSWER=yes' >> /etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf && \ echo 'BATCH=yes' >> /etc/slackpkg/slackpkg.conf RUN yes y | slackpkg update && \ yes y | slackpkg install a ap n d k l kde x t tcl xap xfce y && \ yes y | slackpkg upgrade-all RUN echo "Reinstall ssl and wget to work around certificate errors" RUN yes y | slackpkg reinstall openssl wget RUN echo "installing sbotools and gnunet dependencies" WORKDIR /usr/src RUN bash -c 'wget --quiet \ && tar -xzf sbotools.tar.gz \ && cd sbotools \ && source *.info \ && wget $DOWNLOAD \ && sh *.Slack* \ && installpkg /tmp/*.t?z' RUN mkdir /etc/sbotools \ && echo LOCAL_OVERRIDES=/usr/src/slackbuilds > /etc/sbotools/sbotools.conf \ && echo REPO=git:// > /etc/sbotools/sbotools.conf \ && git clone \ && sbosnap fetch RUN sboinstall --nointeractive \ jansson \ recutils \ libmicrohttpd RUN groupadd -g 209 postgres \ && useradd -u 209 -g 209 postgres -d /var/lib/psql \ && sboinstall --nointeractive \ postgresql RUN yes y | sboinstall \ Sphinx RUN echo "Update Slackware's meson version" WORKDIR /usr/local/src RUN rsync -a rsync:// . \ && cd meson \ && sh *.SlackBuild \ && upgradepkg /tmp/*.txz RUN git clone RUN cd gnunet \ && meson setup builddir \ && cd builddir \ && meson configure -Dprefix=/usr/local \ && meson compile CMD bash -l