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Re: maint.mk: announcement should not be emailed to the TP when there ar

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: Re: maint.mk: announcement should not be emailed to the TP when there are no changes
Date: Sat, 04 Feb 2023 22:18:09 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/27.1 (gnu/linux)

Reuben Thomas <rrt@sc3d.org> writes:

> Using the standard gnulib release procedure for GNU projects,
> coordinator@translationproject.org is automatically emailed for each
> release, but apparently this is not desired. I received this from Benno
> Schulenberg <coordinator@translationproject.org>:
> My scripts find zero changes in the msgids.
>> When there are no changes in the POT file, there is no need
>> to announce the (pre)release to me -- it just creates extra,
>> unneeded work for me.
> Of course, I can try to catch this manually, but I presume other projects
> are also sending unwanted email like this (unless I'm doing something
> wrong?); can something be done in gnulib?

I manually remove that Cc when not appropriate, or add the following to
cfg.mk for projects without translations:

translation_project_ =

however I realize this is manual work, so I agree with you it could be

To automatically understand if a cc to the translation project is
necessary or not, I think we'd need access to the previously sent pot
file, no?  I guess we could wget that from somewhere and compare it, but
that seems a bit fragile.  I generally don't like fetching files from
the Internet durings builds, so another approach is to store them in git
and make a comparison there.

Sorry, no real answer, but just some additional thoughts.


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