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[Bug-gnubg] Jellyfish .pos export (Experimental code)

From: Øystein O Johansen
Subject: [Bug-gnubg] Jellyfish .pos export (Experimental code)
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2003 10:11:33 +0200

Hi Jørn,

I have just worked out a routine for exporting positions as JellyFish .pos
format. I can't commit to the CVS from this computer so if you're able to
please add this code to the repository (And add a warning of experimental

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "backgammon.h"
#include "i18n.h"

static void
WriteInt16 (FILE * pf, int n)

  /* Write a little-endian, signed (2's complement) 16-bit integer.
     This is inefficient on hardware which is already little-endian
     or 2's complement, but at least it's portable. */

  /*  Let's just make things simple right now! */

  /* FIXME what about error handling? */

  fwrite (&n, 2, 1, pf);
#if 0

  fread (auch, 2, 1, pf);
  n = auch[0] | (auch[1] << 8);

  if (n >= 0x8000)
    n -= 0x10000;

  return n;

extern void
CommandExportPositionJF (char *sz)

  FILE *fp;
  int i, anBoardJF[26];
  unsigned char c;

  sz = NextToken (&sz);

  if (ms.gs == GAME_NONE)
      outputl (_("No game in progress (type `new game' to start one)."));

  if (!sz || !*sz)
      outputl (_("You must specify a file to export to (see `help export "
           "position pos')."));

  if (!confirmOverwrite (sz, fConfirmSave))

  if (!strcmp (sz, "-"))
    fp = stdout;
  else if (!(fp = fopen (sz, "wb")))
      outputerr (sz);

  WriteInt16 (fp, 126);       /* Always write in JellyFish 3.0 format */
  WriteInt16 (fp, 0);         /* Never save with Caution */
  WriteInt16 (fp, 0);         /* This is unused */

  WriteInt16 (fp, fCubeUse);
  WriteInt16 (fp, fJacoby);
  WriteInt16 (fp, (nBeavers != 0));

  WriteInt16 (fp, ms.nCube);
  WriteInt16 (fp, ms.fCubeOwner + 1);

  if ((ms.gs == GAME_OVER) || (ms.gs == GAME_NONE))
      WriteInt16 (fp, 0);
      ms.anDice ? WriteInt16 (fp, ms.fTurn + 1) : WriteInt16 (fp,
                                         ms.fTurn + 3);
  /* 0 means starting position.
     If you add 2 to the player (to get 3 or 4)   Sure?
     it means that the player is on roll
     but the dice have not been rolled yet. */

  WriteInt16 (fp, 1);
  WriteInt16 (fp, 1);         /* FIXME Test this! */
  /* These two variables are used when you use movement #1,
     (two buttons) and tells how many moves you have left
     to play with the left and the right die, respectively.
     Initialized to 1 (if you roll a double, left = 4 and
     right = 0). If movement #2 (one button), only the first
     one (left) is used to store both dice.  */

  WriteInt16 (fp, 0);         /* Not in use */

  ms.nMatchTo ? WriteInt16 (fp, 1) : WriteInt16 (fp, 3);
  /* 1 = match, 3 = game */

  WriteInt16 (fp, 2);         /* FIXME */
  /* 1 = 2 players, 2 = JF plays one side */

  WriteInt16 (fp, 7);         /* Use level 7 */

  WriteInt16 (fp, ms.nMatchTo);
  /* 0 if single game  */

  WriteInt16 (fp, ms.anScore[0]);
  WriteInt16 (fp, ms.anScore[1]);

  c = strlen (ap[0].szName);
  fwrite (&c, 1, 1, fp);
  for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
    fwrite (&ap[0].szName[i], 1, 1, fp);

  c = strlen (ap[1].szName);
  fwrite (&c, 1, 1, fp);
  for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
    fwrite (&ap[1].szName[i], 1, 1, fp);

  WriteInt16 (fp, 0);         /* FIXME Check gnubg setting */
  /* TRUE if lower die is to be drawn to the left  */

  if ((ms.fPostCrawford == FALSE) && (ms.fCrawford == TRUE))
    WriteInt16 (fp, 2);
  else if ((ms.fPostCrawford == TRUE) && (ms.fCrawford == FALSE))
    WriteInt16 (fp, 3);
    WriteInt16 (fp, 1);

  WriteInt16 (fp, 0);         /* JF played last. Must be FALSE */

  c = 0;
  fwrite (&c, 1, 1, fp); /* Length of "last move" string */

  WriteInt16 (fp, ms.anDice[0]);
  WriteInt16 (fp, ms.anDice[1]);

  /* The Jellyfish format saves the current board and the board
   * before the move was done, such that undo should be possible. It's
   * possible to save just the current board twice as done below. */

  /* Player 0 on bar */
  WriteInt16 (fp, -ms.anBoard[0][24] + 20);
  WriteInt16 (fp, -ms.anBoard[0][24] + 20);

  /* Board */
  for (i = 24; i > 0; i--)
      WriteInt16 (fp, ms.anBoard[0][24 - i] ?
            -ms.anBoard[0][24 - i] + 20 : ms.anBoard[1][i - 1] + 20);
      WriteInt16 (fp, ms.anBoard[0][24 - i] ?
            -ms.anBoard[0][24 - i] + 20 : ms.anBoard[1][i - 1] + 20);
  /* Player on bar */
  WriteInt16 (fp, ms.anBoard[1][24] + 20);
  WriteInt16 (fp, ms.anBoard[1][24] + 20);

  fclose (fp);


I have tested the code for some positions, but I guess there still are some


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