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bootstrap problem with bisonfix.awk on Solaris 8

From: Andrew J. Schorr
Subject: bootstrap problem with bisonfix.awk on Solaris 8
Date: Tue, 3 Jan 2006 11:34:11 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

On Solaris 8, this rule in gawk-3.1.5 Makefile.am breaks:

# Special rules for individual files
awkgram.c: awkgram.y
        $(YACC) $(AM_YFLAGS) $(YFLAGS) $<
        awk -f $(srcdir)/bisonfix.awk y.tab.c > $*.c && rm y.tab.c
        if test -f y.tab.h; then \
        if cmp -s y.tab.h $*.h; then rm -f y.tab.h; else mv y.tab.h $*.h; fi; \
        else :; fi

I get the following error messages:

awk -f ./bisonfix.awk y.tab.c > awkgram.c && rm y.tab.c
awk: syntax error near line 24
awk: illegal statement near line 24
awk: syntax error near line 26
awk: illegal statement near line 26

It seems that Solaris awk cannot grok bisonfix.awk.

Is there some reason not to use '$(AWK)' instead of 'awk' in the
makefile?  That seems like it might have a better chance of

And yes, I know this is not an issue for the packaged
distro since awkgram.c is included in the tarball.


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