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mkid 3.2 buffer overflow buf

From: Erik Damian Weathers
Subject: mkid 3.2 buffer overflow buf
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 16:32:47 -0700 (PDT)

Hi all.

Error Description:
I discovered that mkid would bus error when I fed it a
C source file containing a string that was 1173 bytes long:
char * foo = "bar....blah";

This was on a solaris machine.

Digging into the code a bit, I discovered the problem in
libidu/scanners.c: get_token_c(), where the array id_0
is defined to BUFSIZ.
On my Solaris box this is 1024. On my linux box it is
defined to 8192.

So, my temporary workaround was to increase the
array id_0 to 8192.

Ideas for Fixing the problem:
I've got some ideas for fixing the problem, but given that 3.2 was
released so long ago, I'd like to know if anyone else fixed it
already before I dedicate any time to doing so.


- Erik

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