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PSPP-BUG: PSPP bug report - .ods import failure

From: Kranzberg, Pawel
Subject: PSPP-BUG: PSPP bug report - .ods import failure
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2015 10:51:30 +0000


When I run PSPPIRE 0.8.5-g2d71ac on Win 7 64-bit and try to import data in the OpenDocument Spreadsheet format (with only 1 sheet per .ods file), I only get an error pop-up from MinGW Runtime Assertion with the following text:


Assertion failed!


Program: C:\Users\pkranzberg\PSPP\bin\psppire.exe

File: src/data/ods-reader.c, Line 208


_expression_: n < s-> n_sheets


Please have a look at it.


Kind regards,



Paweł Kranzberg, PMP

Manager, Management Consulting

Financial Services Industry | Data & Analytics


KPMG Advisory

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