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PSPP-BUG: [bug #13021] END FILE TYPE erroneously complains about bad pro

From: John Darrington
Subject: PSPP-BUG: [bug #13021] END FILE TYPE erroneously complains about bad program state
Date: Sun, 8 May 2005 06:40:20 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20050105 Debian/1.7.5-1


                 Summary: END FILE TYPE erroneously complains about bad
program state
                 Project: PSPP
            Submitted by: jmd
            Submitted on: Sun 05/08/2005 at 06:40
                Category: Syntax Parser
                Severity: 5 - Average
                  Status: None
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
                 Release: None
                  Effort: 0.00



The attached file results in this error message:

 error: END FILE TYPE: This command may only appear within a FILE
        TYPE/END FILE TYPE structure.

which is wrong.

Also, the pspp manual does not document FILE TYPE / END FILE TYPE


File Attachments:

Date: Sun 05/08/2005 at 06:40  Name: ft.sps  Size: 194B   By: jmd



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