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Re: [bug-gnu-libiconv] [PATCH] Support nl_langinfo (CODESET) correctly o

From: KO Myung-Hun
Subject: Re: [bug-gnu-libiconv] [PATCH] Support nl_langinfo (CODESET) correctly on OS/2
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2019 15:17:10 +0900
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; Warp 4.5; rv:10.0.6esrpre) Gecko/20120715 Firefox/10.0.6esrpre SeaMonkey/2.7.2


Bruno Haible wrote:
>>>> +    { "CP1200",         "UCS-2" },
>>> UCS-2 cannot be used as a locale encoding, since it is not ASCII 
>>> compatible. This
>>> cannot work.
>> setlocale() on kLIBC accepts "IBM-1200", "UCS-2" and so on.
>> Nevertheless, UCS-2 should be removed ?
> The locale encoding is the encoding of strings such as
>   - the arguments of main(),
>   - file names,
>   - text read from stdin,
>   - text read from stdout.
> Applications use 'char *' (with implicit length as determined by strlen)
> for such text. But 'char *' and strlen don't work with UCS-2 encoded
> text (because it contains many NUL bytes).

Thanks for your explanation.

I attach the updated patch. But in case of the URL of __convcp(), I'll
contact the server maintainer instead of removing it.

KO Myung-Hun

Using Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.7.2
Under OS/2 Warp 4 for Korean with FixPak #15
In VirtualBox v6.0.8 on Intel Core i7-3615QM 2.30GHz with 8GB RAM

Korean OS/2 User Community : http://www.os2.kr/

Attachment: 0001-Support-nl_langinfo-CODESET-correctly-on-OS-2.patch
Description: Source code patch

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