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Re: [bug-gnu-libiconv] (no subject)

From: Jeffrey Walton
Subject: Re: [bug-gnu-libiconv] (no subject)
Date: Wed, 9 May 2012 16:15:57 -0400

Hi Thomas,

On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 7:40 AM, Thomas Lemm <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> having submitted the "Patch for native Visual Studio 2010 compilation" (see: 
> http://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?35088 ) I am searching for a developer to 
> approve of and commit the patch.
> The patch enables compiling iconv with "ms visual studio 2010" and mainly 
> provides visual studio project files. Only minor changes to the core sources 
> have been made (mainly some ifdefs to check which compiler compiles).
> Please consider to make this patch part of the new release. I'd be happy to 
> hear from you.
There are varying levels of quality in the software world. For
example, Linus is more than happy to turn off warnings so he can
ignore conversion problems [1]; while Microsoft has an SDLC and wants
a clean compile using /W4 /Wall and integration of platform security
features such as /GS, /NXCOMPAT, /SafeSEH and /dynamicbase.

I can help you with feedback under Visual Studio and the SDLC, but I
need to know: which is your poison?


[1] http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Kernel/2006-11/msg08325.html

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