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bug#72328: [PATCH] Nested backquote in pcase

From: Michael Heerdegen
Subject: bug#72328: [PATCH] Nested backquote in pcase
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 2024 19:53:04 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)

Thuna <thuna.cing@gmail.com> writes:

> The one downside that I can see is the situation I mentioned in my
> previous message where you explicitly *want* to bypass all backquotes,
> plus the fact that this is backwards incompatible, even though to be
> effected you would need to be making use of the fact that comma behaves
> this way - which I still don't believe will be too common - though there
> could be an obsoletion period where comma still bypasses backquotes but
> warns the user to change off of that behavior.  All code making use of
> the new behavior will firmly be incompatible with older versions of
> emacs for which this is not patched, however.


I actually found something I wrote myself.  In "el-search" I am using a
pattern like used here:

  (pcase '`qpat (``,qpat qpat)) --> qpat

i.e. a pattern checking for backquoted QPATS.  When your patch is
installed this pattern doesn't match any more.  I could rewrite that of
course - I just wanted to share the example without implying anything


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