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bug#71518: 30.0.50; Errors during redisplay with c++-ts-mode

From: Vincenzo Pupillo
Subject: bug#71518: 30.0.50; Errors during redisplay with c++-ts-mode
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2024 10:57:50 +0200

In data giovedì 13 giugno 2024 08:51:21 CEST, Yuan Fu ha scritto:
> > On Jun 12, 2024, at 6:53 AM, Vincenzo Pupillo <vincenzo.pupillo@lpsd.it> 
> > wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > In data mercoledì 12 giugno 2024 14:33:17 CEST, Eli Zaretskii ha scritto:
> >> To reproduce in "emacs -Q", visit some C++ source file (I used
> >> breakpoint.c from the GDB sources), then turn on c++-ts-mode.  The
> >> fontification is all incorrect, and *Messages* has these error
> >> messages:
> >> 
> >>  Error during redisplay: (jit-lock-function 7286) signaled 
> >> (treesit-query-error "Node type error at" 575 "[\"_Atomic\" \"break\" 
> >> \"case\" \"const\" \"continue\" \"default\" \"do\" \"else\" \"enum\" 
> >> \"extern\" \"for\" \"goto\" \"if\" \"inline\" \"register\" \"restrict\" 
> >> \"return\" \"sizeof\" \"static\" \"struct\" \"switch\" \"typedef\" 
> >> \"union\" \"volatile\" \"while\" \"and\" \"and_eq\" \"bitand\" \"bitor\" 
> >> \"catch\" \"class\" \"co_await\" \"co_return\" \"co_yield\" \"compl\" 
> >> \"concept\" \"consteval\" \"constexpr\" \"constinit\" \"decltype\" 
> >> \"delete\" \"explicit\" \"final\" \"friend\" \"mutable\" \"namespace\" 
> >> \"new\" \"noexcept\" \"not\" \"not_eq\" \"operator\" \"or\" \"or_eq\" 
> >> \"override\" \"private\" \"protected\" \"public\" \"requires\" 
> >> \"template\" \"throw\" \"try\" \"typename\" \"using\" \"virtual\" \"xor\" 
> >> \"xor_eq\"] @font-lock-keyword-face (auto) @font-lock-keyword-face (this) 
> >> @font-lock-keyword-face" "Debug the query with `treesit-query-validate'")
> >> 
> >> This happens with the latest C++ tree-sitter grammar library.  I guess
> >> they made some incompatible change in the grammar or something?
> >> 
> >> 
> > Yes, they changed the grammar. 
> > https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter-cpp/issues/271
> > 
> > V.
> So it seems “virtual” is now a named node rather than an anonymous node, 
> which is a little odd. I asked the author about it in the GitHub issue, let 
> me clear that up before fixing c-ts-mode.
> And, Eli, we really really should pin tree-sitter grammars. As more people 
> start using tree-sitter modes, they will found out about the breakage before 
> we do and the tree-sitter major mode would be unusable for them before they 
> upgrade their grammar. Most of them will not know how to do it and which 
> commit to downgrade to. And I really don’t want to chase the random changes 
> these grammars make all the time. Fixing for these breakages is arguably a 
> heavier maintenance burden than pinning tree-sitter grammars.


This is why php-ts-mode has a feature just for installing specific versions of 
grammars (unfortunately phpdoc has no tags on the repository :-( )


> Yuan 

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