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bug#71469: font-lock does not apply standard faces and their descendants

From: Konstantin Kharlamov
Subject: bug#71469: font-lock does not apply standard faces and their descendants
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2024 14:59:37 +0300
User-agent: Evolution 3.52.2

While trying to add a face to a major mode I found that both standard
facesĀ¹ and inherited ones are ignored completely.

In steps below I create a simple major mode and it uses an inherited
face, but face does not get applied. NOTE: if you replace the inherited
face with, for example, `font-lock-constant-face`, it will get
highlighted. I.e. the problem somehow bound to faces.

# Steps to reproduce

1. Create `test.el` file as follows:

     (defface test-face
       '((t (:inherit bold)))
       "Test face.")

     (define-derived-mode my-mode fundamental-mode "My Mode"
       "A minimal mode that highlights 'hello world' text."
       (font-lock-add-keywords nil '(("hello world" 0 test-face)))
     (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "test.txt" 'my-mode))
     (provide 'my-mode)

   And `test.txt` as follows:
     ==> hello world <==

2. Launch Emacs as `emacs -Q -l test.el test.txt`
3. Put a caret over the word `hello` and evaluate M-x describe-char

## Expected

The description buffer mentions that `face` is `test-face`.

## Actual

There is no `face` property at all.

# Additional information

Versions tested: Emacs built from February master and a stable 29.3

The problem actually doesn't seem to be related to `defface`, because
passing `bold` to the `font-lock-add-keywords` had similarly no effect
for some reason. More likely it's related to the "standard faces".

1: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Standard-Faces.html

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