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bug#70949: display-buffer-choose-some-window

From: Juri Linkov
Subject: bug#70949: display-buffer-choose-some-window
Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2024 09:37:10 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/30.0.50 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

> This means that the user has to always go back from the *vc-diff* window
> back to a *vc-dir* window in order to tell what to show next in the
> *vc-diff* window.  It completely defeats the idea of the advanced
> mechanics of 'next-error' which autonomously would guess what to show
> next in the *vc-diff* window without having to continuously hop back to
> the *vc-dir* buffer.
> I hardly use 'vc-diff' because I'm not good at reading diffs.  When I
> want to view the differences of a fileset controlled by git I first run
> git status in a shell window and, based on its output, ediff on all
> involved files.  The crucial aspect here is that whenever I'm done with
> watching the differences of one file, I'd never want to go back to the
> shell window because that would disrupt my ediff layout with two side by
> side windows and the ediff status window on bottom.  Rather I use a
> mechanism that gets me directly from a layout showing the (presumably
> last) diff for the current file to a layout showing the first diff for
> the next file listed by git status.

Then let's install the first patch for (nil . ((some-window . mru)))
that is not so controversial.

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