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bug#69454: Not possible to insert an empty vtable

From: Joost Kremers
Subject: bug#69454: Not possible to insert an empty vtable
Date: Mon, 03 Jun 2024 14:13:55 +0200

On Sun, Jun 02 2024, Adam Porter wrote:
> IIRC I only suggested that because it would mean fewer changes to the code, 
> but
> if you've already written code to allow it, I don't object.  :)

In that case, I'm providing the same patch here, with an additional update for
vtable.texi and NEWS:

>From a87d2fc4637a058fad479b4ba5653947bdbb82bf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joost Kremers <joostkremers@fastmail.com>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 13:28:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Allow empty vtable

* lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el (vtable--compute-widths): Set default width
  for columns that have no explicit width and no data.
 lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el | 67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el
index cb7ea397314..07ef7d20020 100644
--- a/lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el
@@ -850,32 +850,47 @@ vtable--compute-width
     (error "Invalid spec: %s" spec))))
 (defun vtable--compute-widths (table cache)
-  "Compute the display widths for TABLE."
-  (seq-into
-   (seq-map-indexed
-    (lambda (column index)
-      (let ((width
-             (or
-              ;; Explicit widths.
-              (and (vtable-column-width column)
-                   (vtable--compute-width table (vtable-column-width column)))
-              ;; Compute based on the displayed widths of
-              ;; the data.
-              (seq-max (seq-map (lambda (elem)
-                                  (nth 1 (elt (cdr elem) index)))
-                                cache)))))
-        ;; Let min-width/max-width specs have their say.
-        (when-let ((min-width (and (vtable-column-min-width column)
-                                   (vtable--compute-width
-                                    table (vtable-column-min-width column)))))
-          (setq width (max width min-width)))
-        (when-let ((max-width (and (vtable-column-max-width column)
-                                   (vtable--compute-width
-                                    table (vtable-column-max-width column)))))
-          (setq width (min width max-width)))
-        width))
-    (vtable-columns table))
-   'vector))
+  "Compute the display widths for TABLE.
+CACHE is TABLE's cache data as returned by `vtable--compute-cache'."
+  (let ((widths (seq-map-indexed
+                 (lambda (column index)
+                   (let ((width
+                          (or
+                           ;; Explicit widths.
+                           (and (vtable-column-width column)
+                                (vtable--compute-width table 
(vtable-column-width column)))
+                           ;; If the vtable is empty and no explicit width is 
+                           ;; set its width to 0 and deal with it below.
+                           (if (null cache)
+                               0)
+                           ;; Otherwise, compute based on the displayed widths 
of the
+                           ;; data.
+                           (seq-max (seq-map (lambda (elem)
+                                               (nth 1 (elt (cdr elem) index)))
+                                             cache)))))
+                     ;; Let min-width/max-width specs have their say.
+                     (when-let ((min-width (and (vtable-column-min-width 
+                                                (vtable--compute-width
+                                                 table 
(vtable-column-min-width column)))))
+                       (setq width (max width min-width)))
+                     (when-let ((max-width (and (vtable-column-max-width 
+                                                (vtable--compute-width
+                                                 table 
(vtable-column-max-width column)))))
+                       (setq width (min width max-width)))
+                     width))
+                 (vtable-columns table))))
+    ;; If there are any zero-width columns, divide the remaining window
+    ;; width evenly over them.
+    (when (member 0 widths)
+      (let* ((combined-width (apply #'+ widths))
+             (n-0cols (length (seq-keep #'zerop widths)))
+             (default-width (/ (- (window-width nil t) combined-width) 
+        (setq widths (mapcar (lambda (width)
+                               (if (zerop width)
+                                   default-width
+                                 width))
+                             widths))))
+    (seq-into widths 'vector)))
 (defun vtable--compute-cache (table)

>From 36b0fb11b27d8f6246a4683462823088c562b146 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joost Kremers <joostkremers@fastmail.com>
Date: Thu, 30 May 2024 23:20:00 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Enable inserting new objects into empty vtable

* lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el (vtable-insert-object): If the vtable is
  empty, add the new object and recreate + redisplay the table.
 lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el | 151 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el
index 07ef7d20020..c86ae7f0955 100644
--- a/lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el
@@ -368,86 +368,89 @@ vtable-insert-object
 This also updates the displayed table."
-  ;; FIXME: Inserting an object into an empty vtable currently isn't
-  ;; possible. `nconc' fails silently (twice), and `setcar' on the cache
-  ;; raises an error.
+  ;; If the vtable is empty, just add the object and regenerate the
+  ;; table.
   (if (null (vtable-objects table))
-      (error "[vtable] Cannot insert object into empty vtable"))
-  ;; First insert into the objects.
-  (let ((pos (if location
-                 (if (integerp location)
-                     (prog1
-                         (nthcdr location (vtable-objects table))
-                       ;; Do not prepend if index is too large:
-                       (setq before nil))
-                   (or (memq location (vtable-objects table))
-                       ;; Prepend if `location' is not found and
-                       ;; `before' is non-nil:
-                       (and before (vtable-objects table))))
-               ;; If `location' is nil and `before' is non-nil, we
-               ;; prepend the new object.
-               (if before (vtable-objects table)))))
-    (if (or before  ; If `before' is non-nil, `pos' should be, as well.
-            (and pos (integerp location)))
-        ;; Add the new object before.
-        (let ((old-object (car pos)))
-          (setcar pos object)
-          (setcdr pos (cons old-object (cdr pos))))
-      ;; Otherwise, add the object after.
-      (if pos
-          ;; Splice the object into the list.
-          (setcdr pos (cons object (cdr pos)))
-        ;; Otherwise, append the object.
-        (nconc (vtable-objects table) (list object)))))
-  ;; Then adjust the cache and display.
-  (save-excursion
-    (vtable-goto-table table)
-    (let* ((cache (vtable--cache table))
-           (inhibit-read-only t)
-           (keymap (get-text-property (point) 'keymap))
-           (ellipsis (if (vtable-ellipsis table)
-                         (propertize (truncate-string-ellipsis)
-                                     'face (vtable-face table))
-                       ""))
-           (ellipsis-width (string-pixel-width ellipsis))
-           (elem (if location  ; This binding mirrors the binding of `pos' 
-                     (if (integerp location)
-                         (nth location (car cache))
-                       (or (assq location (car cache))
-                           (and before (caar cache))))
-                   (if before (caar cache))))
-           (pos (memq elem (car cache)))
-           (line (cons object (vtable--compute-cached-line table object))))
-      (if (or before
+      (progn
+        (setf (vtable-objects table) (list object))
+        (vtable--recompute-numerical table (vtable--compute-cached-line table 
+        (vtable-goto-table table)
+        (vtable-revert-command))
+    ;; First insert into the objects.
+    (let ((pos (if location
+                   (if (integerp location)
+                       (prog1
+                           (nthcdr location (vtable-objects table))
+                         ;; Do not prepend if index is too large:
+                         (setq before nil))
+                     (or (memq location (vtable-objects table))
+                         ;; Prepend if `location' is not found and
+                         ;; `before' is non-nil:
+                         (and before (vtable-objects table))))
+                 ;; If `location' is nil and `before' is non-nil, we
+                 ;; prepend the new object.
+                 (if before (vtable-objects table)))))
+      (if (or before  ; If `before' is non-nil, `pos' should be, as well.
               (and pos (integerp location)))
-          ;; Add the new object before:.
-          (let ((old-line (car pos)))
-            (setcar pos line)
-            (setcdr pos (cons old-line (cdr pos)))
-            (unless (vtable-goto-object (car elem))
-              (vtable-beginning-of-table)))
+          ;; Add the new object before.
+          (let ((old-object (car pos)))
+            (setcar pos object)
+            (setcdr pos (cons old-object (cdr pos))))
         ;; Otherwise, add the object after.
         (if pos
             ;; Splice the object into the list.
-            (progn
-              (setcdr pos (cons line (cdr pos)))
-              (if (vtable-goto-object location)
-                  (forward-line 1)  ; Insert *after*.
-                (vtable-end-of-table)))
+            (setcdr pos (cons object (cdr pos)))
           ;; Otherwise, append the object.
-          (setcar cache (nconc (car cache) (list line)))
-          (vtable-end-of-table)))
-      (let ((start (point)))
-        ;; FIXME: We have to adjust colors in lines below this if we
-        ;; have :row-colors.
-        (vtable--insert-line table line 0
-                             (nth 1 cache) (vtable--spacer table)
-                             ellipsis ellipsis-width)
-        (add-text-properties start (point) (list 'keymap keymap
-                                                 'vtable table)))
-      ;; We may have inserted a non-numerical value into a previously
-      ;; all-numerical table, so recompute.
-      (vtable--recompute-numerical table (cdr line)))))
+          (nconc (vtable-objects table) (list object)))))
+    ;; Then adjust the cache and display.
+    (save-excursion
+      (vtable-goto-table table)
+      (let* ((cache (vtable--cache table))
+             (inhibit-read-only t)
+             (keymap (get-text-property (point) 'keymap))
+             (ellipsis (if (vtable-ellipsis table)
+                           (propertize (truncate-string-ellipsis)
+                                       'face (vtable-face table))
+                         ""))
+             (ellipsis-width (string-pixel-width ellipsis))
+             (elem (if location  ; This binding mirrors the binding of `pos' 
+                       (if (integerp location)
+                           (nth location (car cache))
+                         (or (assq location (car cache))
+                             (and before (caar cache))))
+                     (if before (caar cache))))
+             (pos (memq elem (car cache)))
+             (line (cons object (vtable--compute-cached-line table object))))
+        (if (or before
+                (and pos (integerp location)))
+            ;; Add the new object before:.
+            (let ((old-line (car pos)))
+              (setcar pos line)
+              (setcdr pos (cons old-line (cdr pos)))
+              (unless (vtable-goto-object (car elem))
+                (vtable-beginning-of-table)))
+          ;; Otherwise, add the object after.
+          (if pos
+              ;; Splice the object into the list.
+              (progn
+                (setcdr pos (cons line (cdr pos)))
+                (if (vtable-goto-object location)
+                    (forward-line 1)  ; Insert *after*.
+                  (vtable-end-of-table)))
+            ;; Otherwise, append the object.
+            (setcar cache (nconc (car cache) (list line)))
+            (vtable-end-of-table)))
+        (let ((start (point)))
+          ;; FIXME: We have to adjust colors in lines below this if we
+          ;; have :row-colors.
+          (vtable--insert-line table line 0
+                               (nth 1 cache) (vtable--spacer table)
+                               ellipsis ellipsis-width)
+          (add-text-properties start (point) (list 'keymap keymap
+                                                   'vtable table)))
+        ;; We may have inserted a non-numerical value into a previously
+        ;; all-numerical table, so recompute.
+        (vtable--recompute-numerical table (cdr line))))))
 (defun vtable-column (table index)
   "Return the name of the INDEXth column in TABLE."

>From 63b47044325bc8d7357b6536d7575a5a73bbeb08 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joost Kremers <joostkremers@fastmail.com>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2024 01:38:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] vtable: allow resetting column alignment when table data

* lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el (vtable--compute-columns): if a column was
  not created with an explicit 'align' property, allow changing this
  property when the column data changes from numeric to non-numeric (or
  vice versa). This makes it possible to add data to an empty table,
  because in a table without data all columns are assumed to be numeric
  and right-aligned.
 lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el b/lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el
index c86ae7f0955..3e9f5214db0 100644
--- a/lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el
+++ b/lisp/emacs-lisp/vtable.el
@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ vtable-column
-  -numerical)
+  -numerical
+  -aligned)
 (defclass vtable ()
   ((columns :initarg :columns :accessor vtable-columns)
@@ -473,7 +474,17 @@ vtable--get-value
     (elt object index))))
-(defun vtable--compute-columns (table)
+(defun vtable--compute-columns (table &optional recompute)
+  "Compute column specs for TABLE.
+Set the `align', `-aligned' and `-numerical' properties of each column.
+If the column contains only numerical data, set `-numerical' to t,
+otherwise to nil.  `-aligned' indicates whether the column has an
+`align' property set by the user.  If it does, `align' is not touched,
+otherwise it is set to `right' for numeric columns and to `left' for
+non-numeric columns.
+If RECOMPUTE is non-nil, do not set `-aligned'.  This can be used to
+recompute the column specs when the table data has changed."
   (let ((numerical (make-vector (length (vtable-columns table)) t))
         (columns (vtable-columns table)))
     ;; First determine whether there are any all-numerical columns.
@@ -484,11 +495,16 @@ vtable--compute-columns
            (setf (elt numerical index) nil)))
        (vtable-columns table)))
+    ;; Check if any columns have an explicit `align' property.
+    (unless recompute
+      (dolist (column (vtable-columns table))
+        (if (vtable-column-align column)
+            (setf (vtable-column--aligned column) t))))
     ;; Then fill in defaults.
      (lambda (column index)
        ;; This is used when displaying.
-       (unless (vtable-column-align column)
+       (unless (vtable-column--aligned column)
          (setf (vtable-column-align column)
                (if (elt numerical index)
@@ -813,7 +829,7 @@ vtable--recompute-numerical
          (setq recompute t)))
     (when recompute
-      (vtable--compute-columns table))))
+      (vtable--compute-columns table t))))
 (defun vtable--set-header-line (table widths spacer)
   (setq header-line-format

>From ebfc7ae51895d7dc468c737f2fe403fbd398d5e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joost Kremers <joostkremers@fastmail.com>
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2024 14:07:43 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Update vtable documentation and NEWS

* doc/misc/vtable.texi: Add note about empty vtables; add note about
  column width in empty vtables.
* etc/NEWS: Add note about empty vtables.
 doc/misc/vtable.texi | 11 +++++++++++
 etc/NEWS             |  8 ++++++++
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+)

diff --git a/doc/misc/vtable.texi b/doc/misc/vtable.texi
index 6003435385f..061547f5deb 100644
--- a/doc/misc/vtable.texi
+++ b/doc/misc/vtable.texi
@@ -264,6 +264,10 @@ Making A Table
 more elements in the sequence than there is in @code{:columns}, only
 the @code{:columns} first elements are displayed.
+If the @code{:objects} list is empty (and no @code{:objects-function} is
+defined), an empty vtable is created.  In this case, a @code{:columns}
+spec must be provided.
 @item :objects-function
 It's often convenient to generate the objects dynamically (for
 instance, to make reversion work automatically).  In that case, this
@@ -295,6 +299,11 @@ Making A Table
 @var{n} percent of the window's width.
 @end table
+If no @code{width} is provided, the width is calculated based on the
+column data (provided in the @code{:objects} list or through the
+@code{:objects-function}) or, if there is no data, on the basis of the
+window width.
 @item min-width
 This uses the same format as @code{width}, but specifies the minimum
 width (and overrides @code{width} if @code{width} is smaller than this.
@@ -569,6 +578,8 @@ Interface Functions
 index is too small, or appended if it is too large.  In this case,
 @var{before} is ignored.
+If @var{table} is empty, @var{location} and @var{before} are ignored.
 This also updates the displayed table.
 @end defun
diff --git a/etc/NEWS b/etc/NEWS
index 5a1f7f3e443..7089b27ed75 100644
--- a/etc/NEWS
+++ b/etc/NEWS
@@ -2806,6 +2806,14 @@ this was not possible.)  In addition, LOCATION can be an 
integer, a
 (zero-based) index into the table at which the new object is inserted
 (BEFORE is ignored in this case).
+** 'make-vtable' can create empty vtable
+It is now possible to create a vtable without data, by leaving the
+':objects' list empty, or by providing a ':objects-function' that
+(initially) produces no data.  In such a case, it is necessary to
+provide a ':columns' spec, so that the number of columns and their
+widths can be determined.  Columns widths can be set explicitly, or they
+will be calculated based on the window width.
 ** JSON

Joost Kremers
Life has its moments

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