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bug#71200: TRAMP: Trying to do a project-find-file or (find-directory) u

From: alexis purslane
Subject: bug#71200: TRAMP: Trying to do a project-find-file or (find-directory) using the podman method causes a (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) error
Date: Sun, 26 May 2024 21:43:14 +0000

Follow up:

I have these containers installed:

1. devcontainers/rust:latest
2. devcontainers/typescript-node:latest
3. devcontainers/cpp:latest
4. texlive/texlive:latest
5. tensorflow/tensorflow:latest-gpu

Only one of them wor--



Git keeps "detecting dubious ownership" over each project's
for some reason, which prevents `git ls-files` from running,
hence the
problem. So this isn't really a bug per-se, it's more like a lack
clear enough errors.

I could also really use some help with getting the ownership and
gpg & ssh
keychain stuff (commits always fail because Magit over TRAMP can't
access my GPG or SSH private keys) figured out over TRAMP but I can get that 

Anyway, when git ls-files fails, maybe the stderr output it
produced should be
printed instead of just trying to parse its empty stdin and

On Sunday, May 26th, 2024 at 5:46 PM, alexis purslane <alexispurslane@pm.me> 

> > Does the ssh transport work with the "more specialized" containers?


> It took me a bit to get that set up, but no, it doesn't. Did essentially this:

> https://linuxhandbook.com/ssh-into-container/

> Created a directory with some files in it in the homedir of the container,
> and then added the project with the location as 
> `/ssh:root@localhost#7655:Folder`.
> It found the folder just fine (eg showed up in completion), but when I added
> it and did project-find-files, I got the same error as usual.

> On Sunday, May 26th, 2024 at 5:26 PM, Dmitry Gutov dmitry@gutov.dev wrote:

> > On 26/05/2024 20:21, alexis purslane wrote:
> > 

> > > Actually, no, installing git does not help resolve the problem
> > > whatsoever. One works, the other two don't, but I can't tell why. The
> > > one that works is my general purpose development container, and the
> > > other two are more specialized, so that may be the origin of the
> > > problem, but it doesn't explain what in particular is missing. What does
> > > project.el rely on the host having installed?
> > 

> > project-find-file just uses 'git ls-files' if it's in a repository, or
> > 'find' otherwise.
> > 

> > If your file name string juggling made things work correctly, it seems
> > unlikely that the problem is in some missing software on the remote host.
> > 

> > Does the ssh transport work with the "more specialized" containers?

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