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bug#70820: [PATCH] Editable grep buffers

From: Jim Porter
Subject: bug#70820: [PATCH] Editable grep buffers
Date: Thu, 9 May 2024 09:14:50 -0700

On 5/8/2024 9:41 PM, Eli Zaretskii wrote:
We are not going to remove wgrep, so if you prefer that way of
operating on grep hits, you still can.  Here we are discussing a new
feature, and it doesn't have to be bit-by-bit compatible to all the
similar packages out there.  But it does need to make sense as part of
Emacs, if it is part of grep.el.

I certainly don't expect this facility to be identical to wgrep (I didn't bother mentioning the bits of wgrep that I'm not interested in), but I think it does have some very good ideas too.

For the case of only making changes at the end, I mainly wanted to express my agreement with Visuwesh's initial implementation and to explain how wgrep's similar behavior makes certain tasks easier.

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