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bug#62800: [PATCH] eww: Use completion in URL/keyword prompt.

From: Eshel Yaron
Subject: bug#62800: [PATCH] eww: Use completion in URL/keyword prompt.
Date: Thu, 13 Apr 2023 00:43:42 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13)


> -     (list (read-string (format-prompt "Enter URL or keywords"
> -                                       (and uris (car uris)))
> -                        nil 'eww-prompt-history uris)
> +     (list (completing-read (format-prompt "Enter URL or keywords"
> +                                           (and uris (car uris)))
> +                            eww-prompt-history nil nil nil
> +                            'eww-prompt-history uris)

Note that this change doesn't work so well for the use case of inserting
space-separated keywords, since it causes SPC to be bound to
`minibuffer-complete-word' instead of `self-insert-command'. That means
that with this patch, typing M-x eww f o o SPC shows "No match" instead
of inserting a space character after "foo".  So if one wants to search
for "foo bar" they now need to type M-SPC or C-q SPC to separate search

I definitely agree that it'd be useful to have proper completion in
eww's prompt though, ideally without the annoying side effect of
changing the behavior of SPC.

(Personally, I have a custom version of the eww command that does pretty
much the same thing as this patch does, but I'm already used to typing
M-SPC instead of SPC every once in a while.  Also, I still have the
regular M-x eww (and M-s M-w) available if that gets inconvenient.)


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