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bug#62536: 30.0.50; Can we add """ ... """ electric pair in elixir, just

From: Wilhelm Kirschbaum
Subject: bug#62536: 30.0.50; Can we add """ ... """ electric pair in elixir, just like python
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2023 21:24:24 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.9.3; emacs 30.0.50

Mou Tong <mou.tong@outlook.com> writes:

Will it make sense to also add a newline when closing a multiline
comment/heredoc? It feels smoother to me rather than having to
enter and then C-o ( open-line ) to position the cursor correctly?

I agree with you, but I think it might be better to imitate what
`c-mode` did:

int main () {|}

When `electric-pair-mode` is on, input the left `{`, Emacs helps you complete the right `}`. After press enter, your cursor will move to
next line and auto-indented according to your offset config:

int main () {

So how about making it work like this?

@doc """|"""

# after press enter
@doc """

Yes, I think that is better, let me have a go at it. I was concerned
of doing unsolicited movement with my suggestion of inserting

Playing around with it I think we should add a newline, I changed my mind.

Unlike the c example above, the following syntax is not valid elixir: `""""""` and it requires a newline to make it valid. Part of the appeal of making the heredoc electric is to keep the syntax valid. There should never be a reason for the heredoc to be on a single line and also makes the tree-sitter grammar invalid, which
causes the blinking issue.

This will mean:

@doc ""|

when typing `"` it will insert `\n"""` and thus have the minimal valid elixir
syntax without doing extra movement.

@doc """|

This will be the change ( looking at the electric.el code ).

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