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bug#61281: “`(a \, b)” equals to “`(a . , b)”

From: Drew Adams
Subject: bug#61281: “`(a \, b)” equals to “`(a . , b)”
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2023 02:04:49 +0000

> > I don't see the risk so much (if at all) in that
> > some code might exist that depends on the bugged
> > behavior.  I seriously doubt that.
> I see lots of places alone in the Emacs sources that rely on the
> behavior.

Maybe we mean different things by the bugged behavior?
Do you see lots of places where the Emacs sources use "\,"?

> > Assuming the bug isn't going to be fixed, I'd propose we just describe
> > the problem in a comment.
> Where should this comment be located?

As part of the comment you pointed to, which tries
to describe how the code works/behaves?

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