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bug#43000: [Web pages] Proposed changes to tour/index.html

From: Thérèse Godefroy
Subject: bug#43000: [Web pages] Proposed changes to tour/index.html
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 2020 21:24:15 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.10.0


We are planning to migrate all templated pages on gnu.org to HTML5 in
order to improve accessibility. But before doing this, deprecated tags
such as <tt> and <acronym> need to be removed. Emacs has 2 templated
pages that contain <tt>: manual/emacs.html (maybe not in  use anymore),
and tour/index.html. I fixed the latter, but also had some fun restyling

Summary of the changes:

* Replace <tt> with <kbd> or <code>: <kbd> for keyboard entries, and
<code> for the rest.

* Replace tables that are only used for layout with floating divs or
display:table + media queries.

* Modernize the "real" tables.

* Use the Emacs stylesheet, header and footer instead of the www.gnu.org

The diff is rather big, but at least you can examine the page locally
because it doesn't need anything outside the emacs directory.

All the best,

PS. I sent a first draft to Nicolas Petton a few weeks ago, but there
were quite a few issues.

Attachment: emacs.diff.gz
Description: application/gzip

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