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bug#42248: 27.0.91; With enchant-2.2.8 from Guix, Flyspell errors out or

From: Jorge P . de Morais Neto
Subject: bug#42248: 27.0.91; With enchant-2.2.8 from Guix, Flyspell errors out or gives lots of false positives
Date: Wed, 19 Aug 2020 22:35:19 -0300

Em [2020-08-19 qua 17:13:23-0700], Stefan Kangas escreveu:

> I can reproduce this, but most details in the long recipe you gave don't
> matter at all AFAICT.  Here's a minimal recipe:

Yes, I now realize I was wordy.  Thank you for the correction.

> Here, "doesn't" gives the wrong result, but not the number "2015".

Yes.  I don't remember how exactly I got a false positive on "2015", but I
tried your trimmed recipe and here too there is no false positive on
"2015" with flyspell-mode.  There is, however, a false positive with
ispell-buffer.  Should I open a new bug report?

The recipe:

0. emacs -Q
1. Evaluate
           (setq ispell-program-name "enchant-2")
           (ispell-change-dictionary "en_US")
           (insert "doesn't 2015")

Best regards

- <https://jorgemorais.gitlab.io/justice-for-rms/>
- I am Brazilian.  I hope my English is correct and I welcome feedback.
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