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bug#38938: [PROPOSED] Prefer Lisp integers to numeric strings in IMAP

From: Paul Eggert
Subject: bug#38938: [PROPOSED] Prefer Lisp integers to numeric strings in IMAP
Date: Sat, 4 Jan 2020 19:20:41 -0800

Since Emacs has bignums now, it can represent IMAP integers
directly rather than as numeric strings.
* lisp/gnus/gnus-cus.el (gnus-extra-group-parameters):
* lisp/gnus/nnimap.el (nnimap-transform-headers)
(nnimap-convert-partial-article, nnimap-request-list)
(nnimap-parse-flags, nnimap-transform-split-mail):
* lisp/net/imap.el (imap-parse-resp-text-code)
Use Lisp integers to represent IMAP integers.
 lisp/gnus/gnus-cus.el |  4 ++--
 lisp/gnus/nnimap.el   | 39 ++++++++++++++-------------------------
 lisp/net/imap.el      | 26 +++++++++++++++-----------
 3 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lisp/gnus/gnus-cus.el b/lisp/gnus/gnus-cus.el
index f0c4d07ca9..2581e092f9 100644
--- a/lisp/gnus/gnus-cus.el
+++ b/lisp/gnus/gnus-cus.el
@@ -252,11 +252,11 @@ gnus-extra-topic-parameters
 DOC is a documentation string for the parameter.")
 (defconst gnus-extra-group-parameters
-  '((uidvalidity (string :tag "IMAP uidvalidity") "\
+  '((uidvalidity (integer :tag "IMAP uidvalidity") "\
 Server-assigned value attached to IMAP groups, used to maintain consistency.")
     (modseq (choice :tag "modseq"
                    (const :tag "None" nil)
-                   (string :tag "Sequence number"))
+                   (integer :tag "Sequence number"))
            "Modification sequence number")
     (active (cons :tag "active" (integer :tag "min") (integer :tag "max"))
diff --git a/lisp/gnus/nnimap.el b/lisp/gnus/nnimap.el
index c383e0146f..73c2f3174c 100644
--- a/lisp/gnus/nnimap.el
+++ b/lisp/gnus/nnimap.el
@@ -261,9 +261,8 @@ nnimap-transform-headers
          (insert (format "%S" (subst-char-in-string ?\n ?\s string))))
        (setq article
-             (and (re-search-forward "UID \\([0-9]+\\)" (line-end-position)
-                                     t)
-                  (match-string 1)))
+             (and (search-forward "UID " (line-end-position) t)
+                  (ignore-errors (read (current-buffer)))))
        ;; If we've already got headers for this article, or this
        ;; FETCH line doesn't provide headers for the article, skip
        ;; it.  See bug#35433.
@@ -278,10 +277,8 @@ nnimap-transform-headers
          (setq lines nil)
          (setq size
-               (and (re-search-forward "RFC822.SIZE \\([0-9]+\\)"
-                                       (line-end-position)
-                                       t)
-                    (match-string 1)))
+               (and (search-forward "RFC822.SIZE " (line-end-position) t)
+                    (ignore-errors (read (current-buffer)))))
          (when (search-forward "X-GM-LABELS" (line-end-position) t)
            (setq labels (ignore-errors (read (current-buffer)))))
@@ -299,10 +296,10 @@ nnimap-transform-headers
                              (nth 9 structure)
                            (nth 7 structure)))))
          (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
-         (insert (format "211 %s Article retrieved." article))
+         (insert (format "211 %d Article retrieved." article))
          (forward-line 1)
          (when size
-           (insert (format "Chars: %s\n" size)))
+           (insert (format "Chars: %d\n" size)))
          (when lines
            (insert (format "Lines: %s\n" lines)))
          (when labels
@@ -771,7 +768,7 @@ nnimap-convert-partial-article
     (goto-char (+ (point) bytes))
     ;; Collect all the body parts.
     (while (looking-at ".*BODY\\[\\([.0-9]+\\)\\]")
-      (setq id (match-string 1)
+      (setq id (string-to-number (match-string 1))
            bytes (or (nnimap-get-length) 0))
       (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))
@@ -1391,7 +1388,7 @@ nnimap-request-list
                    (when (equal (cadr elem) "EXISTS")
                      (setq exists (string-to-number (car elem)))))
                  (when uidnext
-                   (setq highest (1- (string-to-number (car uidnext)))))
+                   (setq highest (1- (car uidnext))))
                   ((null highest)
                    (insert (format "%S 0 1 y\n" group)))
@@ -1770,10 +1767,6 @@ nnimap-parse-flags
   ;; read it.
   (subst-char-in-region (point-min) (point-max)
                        ?\\ ?% t)
-  ;; Remove any MODSEQ entries in the buffer, because they may contain
-  ;; numbers that are too large for 32-bit Emacsen.
-  (while (re-search-forward " MODSEQ ([0-9]+)" nil t)
-    (replace-match "" t t))
   (goto-char (point-min))
   (let (start end articles groups uidnext elems permanent-flags
              uidvalidity vanished highestmodseq)
@@ -1799,11 +1792,8 @@ nnimap-parse-flags
                            (read (current-buffer))))
                 (goto-char start)
                 (setq uidvalidity
-                      (and (re-search-forward "UIDVALIDITY \\([0-9]+\\)"
-                                              end t)
-                           ;; Store UIDVALIDITY as a string, as it's
-                           ;; too big for 32-bit Emacsen, usually.
-                           (match-string 1)))
+                      (and (search-forward "UIDVALIDITY " end t)
+                           (read (current-buffer))))
                 (goto-char start)
                 (setq vanished
                       (and (eq flag-sequence 'qresync)
@@ -1812,9 +1802,8 @@ nnimap-parse-flags
                            (match-string 1)))
                 (goto-char start)
                 (setq highestmodseq
-                      (and (re-search-forward "HIGHESTMODSEQ \\([0-9]+\\)"
-                                              end t)
-                           (match-string 1)))
+                      (and (search-forward "HIGHESTMODSEQ " end t)
+                           (read (current-buffer))))
                 (goto-char end)
                 (forward-line -1))
               ;; The UID FETCH FLAGS was successful.
@@ -2223,12 +2212,12 @@ nnimap-transform-split-mail
          (delete-region (point) (progn (forward-line 1) (point)))
          (when (eobp)
-       (setq article (match-string 1)
+       (setq article (string-to-number (match-string 1))
              bytes (nnimap-get-length))
        (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
        ;; Insert MMDF separator, and a way to remember what this
        ;; article UID is.
-       (insert (format "\^A\^A\^A\^A\n\nX-nnimap-article: %s" article))
+       (insert (format "\^A\^A\^A\^A\n\nX-nnimap-article: %d" article))
        (forward-char (1+ bytes))
        (setq bytes (nnimap-get-length))
        (delete-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
diff --git a/lisp/net/imap.el b/lisp/net/imap.el
index aa10f0291f..b46a4c8728 100644
--- a/lisp/net/imap.el
+++ b/lisp/net/imap.el
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 ;; => 166
 ;; (imap-mailbox-get 'uidvalidity)
-;; => "908992622"
+;; => 908992622
 ;; (imap-search "FLAGGED SINCE 18-DEC-98")
 ;; => (235 236)
@@ -2337,12 +2337,12 @@ imap-parse-resp-text-code
     (cond ((search-forward "PERMANENTFLAGS " nil t)
           (imap-mailbox-put 'permanentflags (imap-parse-flag-list)))
-         ((search-forward "UIDNEXT \\([0-9]+\\)" nil t)
-          (imap-mailbox-put 'uidnext (match-string 1)))
+         ((search-forward "UIDNEXT " nil t)
+          (imap-mailbox-put 'uidnext (read (current-buffer))))
          ((search-forward "UNSEEN " nil t)
           (imap-mailbox-put 'first-unseen (read (current-buffer))))
-         ((looking-at "UIDVALIDITY \\([0-9]+\\)")
-          (imap-mailbox-put 'uidvalidity (match-string 1)))
+         ((looking-at "UIDVALIDITY ")
+          (imap-mailbox-put 'uidvalidity (read (current-buffer))))
          ((search-forward "READ-ONLY" nil t)
           (imap-mailbox-put 'read-only t))
          ((search-forward "NEWNAME " nil t)
@@ -2353,13 +2353,13 @@ imap-parse-resp-text-code
             (imap-mailbox-put 'newname newname oldname)))
          ((search-forward "TRYCREATE" nil t)
           (imap-mailbox-put 'trycreate t imap-current-target-mailbox))
-         ((looking-at "APPENDUID \\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9]+\\)")
+         ((looking-at "APPENDUID ")
           (imap-mailbox-put 'appenduid
-                            (list (match-string 1)
-                                  (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
+                            (list (read (current-buffer))
+                                  (read (current-buffer)))
          ((looking-at "COPYUID \\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9,:]+\\) \\([0-9,:]+\\)")
-          (imap-mailbox-put 'copyuid (list (match-string 1)
+          (imap-mailbox-put 'copyuid (list (string-to-number (match-string 1))
                                            (match-string 2)
                                            (match-string 3))
@@ -2521,11 +2521,15 @@ imap-parse-status
                 (imap-mailbox-put 'recent (read (current-buffer)) mailbox))
                ((string= token "UIDNEXT")
                 (and (looking-at "[0-9]+")
-                     (imap-mailbox-put 'uidnext (match-string 0) mailbox)
+                     (imap-mailbox-put 'uidnext
+                                       (string-to-number (match-string 0))
+                                       mailbox)
                      (goto-char (match-end 0))))
                ((string= token "UIDVALIDITY")
                 (and (looking-at "[0-9]+")
-                     (imap-mailbox-put 'uidvalidity (match-string 0) mailbox)
+                     (imap-mailbox-put 'uidvalidity
+                                       (string-to-number (match-string 0))
+                                       mailbox)
                      (goto-char (match-end 0))))
                ((string= token "UNSEEN")
                 (imap-mailbox-put 'unseen (read (current-buffer)) mailbox))

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