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bug#36759: 26.1; nftables major mode

From: Trent W. Buck
Subject: bug#36759: 26.1; nftables major mode
Date: Mon, 22 Jul 2019 17:45:33 +1000

nftables is a Linux kernel firewall.

Its configuration uses a complex BNF where many keywords are repeated;
they mean different things in different places.

I want syntax highlighting and smart indentation for such files,
because they're very hard to read in just conf-mode,
even with some conf-space-keywords.

I couldn't find a major mode for this, so I wrote a basic one.
This is working well enough for today, but I don't have the time or
interest to maintain it properly.

If someone else is prepared to adopt it and get it into mainline Emacs,
that would be FANTASTIC.

Background references:


Attachment: nftables-mode.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

#!/sbin/nft -f


# EXAMPLE RULESETS FROM https://wiki.nftables.org/
table inet filter {
    chain input {
        type filter hook input priority 0;
        # accept any localhost traffic
        iif lo accept
        # accept traffic originated from us
        ct state established,related accept
        # accept neighbour discovery otherwise connectivity breaks
        ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 icmpv6 type { nd-neighbor-solicit, echo-request, 
nd-router-advert, nd-neighbor-advert } accept
        # count and drop any other traffic
        counter drop

# FLOWTABLE EXAMPLE (NOTE: 0.9 flowtable, not the unrelated 0.8 thing also 
called flowtable)
table inet x {
    flowtable f {
        hook ingress priority 0 devices = { eth0, eth1 };
    chain y {
        type filter hook forward priority 0; policy accept;
        ip protocol tcp flow offload @f
        counter packets 0 bytes 0

# UPDATING A SET FROM ANOTHER CHAIN (a la iptables -m recent?)
table ip filter {
    set myset {
        type inet_service
        flags timeout
        elements = { http expires 9s }
    chain input {
        type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept;
        update @myset { tcp dport timeout 1m }
table ip filter {
    set myset {
        type ipv4_addr
        elements = { }

    chain input {
        type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept;
        add @myset { ip saddr }

add rule bridge filter forward ether type ip tcp dport 22 accept
add rule bridge filter forward ether type arp accept

add rule inet nat prerouting dnat tcp dport map { 1000 :, 2000 :, 3000 :} : tcp dport map { 1000 : 1234, 2000 : 2345, 3000 : 
3456 }
add rule inet nat postrouting snat ip saddr map { :, :, : }

flush ruleset

include "./defines.nft"

table inet filter {
    chain global {
        ct state established,related accept
        ct state invalid drop
        ip protocol icmp accept
        ip6 nexthdr icmpv6 accept
        udp dport 53 accept

    include "./inet-filter-sets.nft"
    include "./inet-filter-forward.nft"
    include "./inet-filter-local.nft"

# interfaces
define nic_inet = bond0
define nic_dmz = bond1
define nic_lan = bond2

# network ranks
define net_ipv4_dmz =
define net_ipv6_dmz = fe00:1::/64
define net_ipv4_lan =
define net_ipv6_lan = fe00:2::/64

# some machines
define server1_ipv4 =
define server1_ipv6 = fe00:1::2
define workstation1_ipv4 =
define workstation1_ipv6 = fe00:2::2

set myset_ipv4 {
    type ipv4_addr;
    elements = { $server1_ipv4 , $workstation1_ipv4 }

set myset_ipv6 {
    type ipv6_addr;
    elements = { $server1_ipv6 , $workstation1_ipv6 }

chain dmz_in {
    # your rules for traffic to your dmz servers
    ip saddr @myset_ipv4
    ip6 saddr @myset_ipv6

chain dmz_out {
    # your rules for traffic from the dmz to internet

chain lan_in {
    # your rules for traffic to your LAN nodes

chain lan_out {
    # your rules for traffic from the LAN to the internet

chain forward {
    type filter hook forward priority 0; policy drop;
    jump global
    oifname vmap { $nic_dmz : jump dmz_in , $nic_lan : jump lan_in }
    oifname $nic_inet iifname vmap { $nic_dmz : jump dmz_out , $nic_lan : jump 
lan_out }

chain input {
    type filter hook input priority 0 ; policy drop;
    jump global
    # your rules for traffic to the firewall here

chain output {
    type filter hook output priority 0 ; policy drop;
    jump global
    # your rules for traffic originated from the firewall itself here

flush ruleset

table ip Inet4 {
    set Knocked_1 {
        type ipv4_addr
        flags timeout, interval
        timeout 10s
        gc-interval 4s
    set Knocked_2 {
        type ipv4_addr
        flags timeout
        timeout 10s
        gc-interval 4s
    set Knocked_3 {
        type ipv4_addr
        flags timeout
        timeout 10s
        gc-interval 4s
    set Knocked_4 {
        type ipv4_addr
        flags timeout
        timeout 2m
        gc-interval 4s

    chain Knock_1 {
        set add ip saddr @Knocked_1
    chain Unknock_1 {
        set update ip saddr timeout 0s @Knocked_1
    chain Knock_2 {
        set update ip saddr timeout 0s @Knocked_1
        set add ip saddr @Knocked_2
    chain Unknock_2 {
        set update ip saddr timeout 0s @Knocked_2
    chain Knock_3 {
        set update ip saddr timeout 0s @Knocked_2
        set add ip saddr @Knocked_3
    chain Unknock_3 {
        set update ip saddr timeout 0s @Knocked_3
    chain Knock_4 {
        set update ip saddr timeout 0s @Knocked_3
        set add ip saddr @Knocked_4 log prefix "Port-Knock accepted: "

    chain RefreshKnock {
        set update ip saddr timeout 2m @Knocked_4

    chain PortKnock {
        ct state new ip saddr @Knocked_4 goto RefreshKnock
        tcp dport 456 ct state new ip saddr @Knocked_3 goto Knock_4
        tcp dport 345 ct state new ip saddr @Knocked_3 return
        ip saddr @Knocked_3 ct state new goto Unknock_3
        tcp dport 345 ct state new ip saddr @Knocked_2 goto Knock_3
        tcp dport 234 ct state new ip saddr @Knocked_2 return
        ip saddr @Knocked_2 ct state new goto Unknock_2
        tcp dport 234 ct state new ip saddr @Knocked_1 goto Knock_2
        tcp dport 123 ct state new ip saddr @Knocked_1 return
        ip saddr @Knocked_1 ct state new goto Unknock_1
        tcp dport 123 ct state new goto Knock_1

    chain FilterIn {
        type filter hook input priority 0
        policy drop

        # allow established/related connections
        ct state established,related accept

        # early drop of invalid connections
        ct state invalid drop

        # allow from loopback
        meta iif lo accept

        # allow icmp
        ip protocol icmp accept

        # port-knocking
        jump PortKnock

        # misc. filtering
        # ...

    chain FilterOut {
        type filter hook output priority 0
        policy accept

table ip filter {
    map subnet_map {
        type ipv4_addr : verdict
        flags interval
        elements = { : goto group_114, : goto 
   : goto group_114 }

    set priority_set {
        type ipv4_addr
        flags interval
        elements = {, }

    map group_114 {
        type ipv4_addr : classid
        flags interval
        elements = { : 1:ffd8, : 1:ffd5,
   : 1:ffd2 }

    map group_114_prio {
        type ipv4_addr : classid
        flags interval
        elements = { : 1:ffd9, : 1:ffd6,
   : 1:ffd3 }

    chain forward {
        type filter hook forward priority filter; policy accept;
        meta priority none ip daddr vmap @subnet_map counter packets 0 bytes 0
        meta priority none ip saddr vmap @subnet_map counter packets 0 bytes 0
        ip daddr meta priority none meta priority set 1:ffff 
counter packets 0 bytes 0 log prefix "total - "
        ip saddr meta priority none meta priority set 1:ffff 
counter packets 0 bytes 0 log prefix "total - "
        ip daddr meta priority none meta priority set 1:ffff counter 
packets 38931 bytes 2926076 log prefix "total - "
        ip saddr meta priority none meta priority set 1:ffff counter 
packets 14 bytes 1064 log prefix "total - "
        meta priority none meta priority set 1:2 counter packets 0 bytes 0 log 
prefix "non_shaped - "

    chain input {
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
        meta priority none meta priority set 1:2 counter packets 419381 bytes 

    chain output {
        type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
        meta priority none meta priority set 1:2 counter packets 507779 bytes 

    chain group_114 {
        meta priority none ip saddr @priority_set meta priority set ip daddr 
map @group_114_prio counter packets 0 bytes 0
        meta priority none ip daddr @priority_set meta priority set ip saddr 
map @group_114_prio counter packets 0 bytes 0
        meta priority none meta priority set ip daddr map @group_114 counter 
packets 0 bytes 0
        meta priority none meta priority set ip saddr map @group_114 counter 
packets 0 bytes 0
        meta priority none meta priority set 1:ffff counter packets 0 bytes 0 
log prefix "group_114 - "

add table ip filter
add chain ip filter forward { type filter hook forward priority 0; policy 
accept; }
add map ip filter subnet_map { type ipv4_addr : verdict; flags interval; }
add set ip filter priority_set { type ipv4_addr; flags interval; }
add element ip filter priority_set { }
add element ip filter priority_set { }
add rule ip filter forward meta priority 0 ip daddr vmap @subnet_map counter
add rule ip filter forward meta priority 0 ip saddr vmap @subnet_map counter
add rule ip filter forward ip daddr meta priority 0 meta 
priority set "1:0xffff" counter log prefix "total - "
add rule ip filter forward ip saddr meta priority 0 meta 
priority set "1:0xffff" counter log prefix "total - "
add rule ip filter forward ip daddr meta priority 0 meta priority 
set "1:0xffff" counter log prefix "total - "
add rule ip filter forward ip saddr meta priority 0 meta priority 
set "1:0xffff" counter log prefix "total - "
add rule ip filter forward meta priority 0 meta priority set "1:0x2" counter 
log prefix "non_shaped - "
add chain ip filter input { type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept; }
add rule ip filter input meta priority 0 meta priority set "1:0x2" counter
add chain ip filter output { type filter hook output priority 0; policy accept; 
add rule ip filter output meta priority 0 meta priority set "1:0x2" counter
add chain ip filter group_114
add map ip filter group_114 { type ipv4_addr : classid; flags interval; }
add map ip filter group_114_prio { type ipv4_addr : classid; flags interval; }
add rule ip filter group_114 meta priority 0 ip saddr @priority_set meta 
priority set ip daddr map @group_114_prio counter
add rule ip filter group_114 meta priority 0 ip daddr @priority_set meta 
priority set ip saddr map @group_114_prio counter
add rule ip filter group_114 meta priority 0 meta priority set ip daddr map 
@group_114 counter
add rule ip filter group_114 meta priority 0 meta priority set ip saddr map 
@group_114 counter
add rule ip filter group_114 meta priority 0 meta priority set "1:0xffff" 
counter log prefix "group_114 - "
add element ip filter subnet_map { : goto group_114 }
add element ip filter subnet_map { : goto group_114 }
add element ip filter subnet_map { : goto group_114 }
add element ip filter group_114_prio { : "1:0xffd9" }
add element ip filter group_114 { : "1:0xffd8" }
add element ip filter group_114_prio { : "1:0xffd6" }
add element ip filter group_114 { : "1:0xffd5" }
add element ip filter group_114_prio { : "1:0xffd3" }
add element ip filter group_114 { : "1:0xffd2" }

# packet passing through server
chain forward {
    # hook forward does the magic, not the name of the chain
    # priority filter can be used in newer versions of nftables > 0.9.0
    type filter hook forward priority filter; policy accept;
    # packet is matched against subnet_map - it is verdict map = : goto group_114
    meta priority none ip daddr vmap @subnet_map counter packets 0 bytes 0 # 
packet's dst address is looked up
    # it contains decision on where to send the packet for further processing 
when matched - chain group_114
    meta priority none ip saddr vmap @subnet_map counter packets 0 bytes 0 # 
packet's src address is looked up
    # private destination subnet without set priority is set to 1:0xffff
    ip daddr meta priority none meta priority set 1:ffff counter 
packets 0 bytes 0 log prefix "total - "
    # private source subnet without set priority is set to 1:0xffff
    ip saddr meta priority none meta priority set 1:ffff counter 
packets 0 bytes 0 log prefix "total - "
    ip daddr meta priority none meta priority set 1:ffff counter 
packets 38931 bytes 2926076 log prefix "total - "
    ip saddr meta priority none meta priority set 1:ffff counter 
packets 14 bytes 1064 log prefix "total - "
    # rest of traffic is sent to separate tc class object
    meta priority none meta priority set 1:2 counter packets 0 bytes 0 log 
prefix "non_shaped - "

# subnet_map redirected the packet here
chain group_114 {
    # packet's source / destination address is matched against set named 
priority_set and it can't contain any priority set
    meta priority none ip saddr @priority_set meta priority set ip daddr map 
@group_114_prio counter packets 0 bytes 0
    # when matched it compares destination address of the packet against 
group_114_prio map and sets the priority accordingly - 1:ffd9
    meta priority none ip daddr @priority_set meta priority set ip saddr map 
@group_114_prio counter packets 0 bytes 0
    # packets heading / originating to / from non prioritized addresses are 
matched in next steps
    meta priority none meta priority set ip daddr map @group_114 counter 
packets 0 bytes 0
    meta priority none meta priority set ip saddr map @group_114 counter 
packets 0 bytes 0
    # unknown traffic is set to untracked object - 1:0xffff
    meta priority none meta priority set 1:ffff counter packets 0 bytes 0 log 
prefix "group_114 - "

map group_114 {
    type ipv4_addr : classid
    flags interval
    elements = { : 1:ffd8, : 1:ffd5, : 1:ffd2 }

map group_114_prio {
    type ipv4_addr : classid
    flags interval
    elements = { : 1:ffd9, : 1:ffd6, : 1:ffd3 }


list ruleset
flush ruleset
list ruleset ip
flush ruleset ip6

table my_table { ... }
table arp my_table { ... }
add table my_table { ... }
add table arp my_table { ... }
create table my_table { ... }
create table arp my_table { ... }

delete table my_table
delete table arp my_table
list table my_table
list table arp my_table
flush table my_table
flush table arp my_table

list tables

delete table handle 1234
delete table arp handle 1234

create table inet mytable
add chain inet mytable myin { type filter hook input priority 0; }
add rule inet mytable myin counter
add table inet mytable { flags dormant; }
add table inet mytable

chain my_table my_chain { type filter hook input priority filter }

# {add | create} chain [family] table chain [{ type type hook hook [device 
device] priority priority ; [policy policy ;] }]
# {delete | list | flush} chain [family] table chain
# list chains
# delete chain [family] table handle handle
# rename chain [family] table chain newname

add rule filter output ip daddr accept # 'ip filter' is assumed
# same command, slightly more verbose
add rule ip filter output ip daddr accept

# nft -a list ruleset
table inet filter {
    chain input {
        type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept;
        ct state established,related accept # handle 4
        ip saddr tcp dport ssh accept # handle 5
# delete the rule with handle 5
# nft delete rule inet filter input handle 5

add rule inet filter input ip saddr {, } tcp dport { 
22, 443 } accept

add rule inet filter input ip saddr @allowed_hosts tcp dport @allowed_ports 

# add set [family] table set { type type ; [flags flags ;] [timeout timeout ;] 
[gc-interval gc-interval ;] [elements = { element[, ...] } ;] [size size ;] 
[policy policy ;] [auto-merge ;] }
# {delete | list | flush} set [family] table set
# list sets
# delete set [family] table handle handle
# {add | delete} element [family] table set { element[, ...] }

# add map [family] table map { type type [flags flags ;] [elements = { 
element[, ...] } ;] [size size ;] [policy policy ;] }
# {delete | list | flush} map [family] table map
# list maps
# {add | delete} element [family] table map { elements = { element[, ...] } ; }

# {add | create} flowtable [family] table flowtable { hook hook priority 
priority ; devices = { device[, ...] } ; }
# {delete | list} flowtable [family] table flowtable

# {add | delete | list | reset} type [family] table object
# delete type [family] table handle handle
# list counters
# list quotas

# ct helper helper { type type protocol protocol ; [l3proto family ;] }

table inet myhelpers {
    ct helper ftp-standard {
        type "ftp" protocol tcp
    chain prerouting {
        type filter hook prerouting priority 0;
        tcp dport 21 ct helper set "ftp-standard"

# ct timeout name { protocol protocol ; policy = { state: value [, ...] } ; 
[l3proto family ;] }

table ip filter {
    ct timeout customtimeout {
        protocol tcp;
        l3proto ip
        policy = { established: 120, close: 20 }

    chain output {
        type filter hook output priority filter; policy accept;
        ct timeout set "customtimeout"

# counter [packets bytes]

# quota [over | until] [used]

# describe expression

describe tcp flags

# Interface name
filter input iifname eth0

# Weird interface name
filter input iifname "(eth0)"

# Ethernet destination MAC address
filter input ether daddr 20:c9:d0:43:12:d9

# dotted decimal notation
filter output ip daddr

# host name
filter output ip daddr localhost

# abbreviated loopback address
filter output ip6 daddr ::1

# without [] the port number (22) would be parsed as part of the
# ipv6 address
ip6 nat prerouting tcp dport 2222 dnat to [1ce::d0]:22

# match if route exists
filter input fib daddr . iif oif exists

# match only non-fragmented packets in IPv6 traffic
filter input exthdr frag missing

# match if TCP timestamp option is present
filter input tcp option timestamp exists

# match ping packets
filter output icmp type { echo-request, echo-reply }

# match ICMPv6 ping packets
filter output icmpv6 type { echo-request, echo-reply }

# meta {length | nfproto | l4proto | protocol | priority}
# [meta] {mark | iif | iifname | iiftype | oif | oifname | oiftype | skuid | 
skgid | nftrace | rtclassid | ibrname | obrname | pkttype | cpu | iifgroup | 
oifgroup | cgroup | random | ipsec | iifkind | oifkind}

filter input meta iif "foo"

# qualified meta expression
filter output meta oif eth0

# unqualified meta expression
filter output oif eth0

# packet was subject to ipsec processing
raw prerouting meta ipsec exists accept

# socket {transparent | mark}

# Mark packets that correspond to a transparent socket
table inet x {
    chain y {
        type filter hook prerouting priority -150; policy accept;
        socket transparent 1 mark set 0x00000001 accept

# Trace packets that corresponds to a socket with a mark value of 15
table inet x {
    chain y {
        type filter hook prerouting priority -150; policy accept;
        socket mark 0x0000000f nftrace set 1

# Set packet mark to socket mark
table inet x {
    chain y {
        type filter hook prerouting priority -150; policy accept;
        tcp dport 8080 mark set socket mark

# osf [ttl {loose | skip}] {name | version}

# Accept packets that match the "Linux" OS genre signature without comparing 
table inet x {
    chain y {
        type filter hook input priority 0; policy accept;
        osf ttl skip name "Linux"

# fib {saddr | daddr | mark | iif | oif} [. ...] {oif | oifname | type}

# drop packets without a reverse path
filter prerouting fib saddr . iif oif missing drop

# drop packets to address not configured on ininterface
filter prerouting fib daddr . iif type != { local, broadcast, multicast } drop

# perform lookup in a specific 'blackhole' table (0xdead, needs ip appropriate 
ip rule)
filter prerouting meta mark set 0xdead fib daddr . mark type vmap { blackhole : 
drop, prohibit : jump prohibited, unreachable : drop }

# rt [ip | ip6] {classid | nexthop | mtu | ipsec}

# IP family independent rt expression
filter output rt classid 10
filter output rt ipsec missing

# IP family dependent rt expressions
ip filter output rt nexthop
ip6 filter output rt nexthop fd00::1
inet filter output rt ip nexthop
inet filter output rt ip6 nexthop fd00::1

# ipsec {in | out} [ spnum NUM ]  {reqid | spi}
# ipsec {in | out} [ spnum NUM ]  {ip | ip6} {saddr | daddr}

# ether {daddr | saddr | type}
# vlan {id | cfi | pcp | type}
# arp {htype | ptype | hlen | plen | operation | saddr { ip | ether } | daddr { 
ip | ether }
# ip {version | hdrlength | dscp | ecn | length | id | frag-off | ttl | 
protocol | checksum | saddr | daddr }
# icmp {type | code | checksum | id | sequence | gateway | mtu}
# igmp {type | mrt | checksum | group}
# ip6 {version | dscp | ecn | flowlabel | length | nexthdr | hoplimit | saddr | 

# matching if first extension header indicates a fragment
ip6 nexthdr ipv6-frag

# icmpv6 {type | code | checksum | parameter-problem | packet-too-big | id | 
sequence | max-delay}

# tcp {sport | dport | sequence | ackseq | doff | reserved | flags | window | 
checksum | urgptr}
# udp {sport | dport | length | checksum}
# udplite {sport | dport | checksum}
# sctp {sport | dport | vtag | checksum}
# dccp {sport | dport}
# ah {nexthdr | hdrlength | reserved | spi | sequence}
# esp {spi | sequence}
# comp {nexthdr | flags | cpi}
# @base,offset,length

# Matching destination port of both UDP and TCP.
inet filter input meta l4proto {tcp, udp} @th,16,16 { 53, 80 }

# Rewrite arp packet target hardware address if target protocol address
# matches a given address.
input meta iifname enp2s0 arp ptype 0x0800 arp htype 1 arp hlen 6 arp plen 4 
@nh,192,32 0xc0a88f10 @nh,144,48 set 0x112233445566 accept

# hbh {nexthdr | hdrlength}
# frag {nexthdr | frag-off | more-fragments | id}
# rt {nexthdr | hdrlength | type | seg-left}
# dst {nexthdr | hdrlength}
# mh {nexthdr | hdrlength | checksum | type}
# srh {flags | tag | sid | seg-left}
# tcp option {eol | noop | maxseg | window | sack-permitted | sack | sack0 | 
sack1 | sack2 | sack3 | timestamp} tcp_option_field
# exthdr {hbh | frag | rt | dst | mh}
# tcp option {eol | noop | maxseg | window | sack-permitted | sack | sack0 | 
sack1 | sack2 | sack3 | timestamp}

filter input tcp option sack-permitted kind 1 counter
ip6 filter input frag more-fragments 1 counter

# ct {state | direction | status | mark | expiration | helper | label}
# ct [original | reply] {l3proto | protocol | bytes | packets | avgpkt | zone}
# ct {original | reply} {proto-src | proto-dst}
# ct {original | reply} {ip | ip6} {saddr | daddr}

# restrict the number of parallel connections to a server.
filter input tcp dport 22 meter test { ip saddr ct count over 2 } reject

# {accept | drop | queue | continue | return}
# {jump | goto} chain

# process packets from eth0 and the internal network in from_lan
# chain, drop all packets from eth0 with different source addresses.
filter input iif eth0 ip saddr jump from_lan
filter input iif eth0 drop

# payload_expression set value

# route some packets instead of bridging.

# redirect tcp:http from to local machine for routing instead of 
# assumes 00:11:22:33:44:55 is local MAC address.
bridge input meta iif eth0 ip saddr tcp dport 80 meta pkttype 
set unicast ether daddr set 00:11:22:33:44:55

# Set IPv4 DSCP header field.
ip forward ip dscp set 42

# extension_header_expression set value

tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set 1360
# set a size based on route information:
tcp flags syn tcp option maxseg size set rt mtu

# log the UID which generated the packet and ip options
ip filter output log flags skuid flags ip options

# log the tcp sequence numbers and tcp options from the TCP packet
ip filter output log flags tcp sequence,options

# enable all supported log flags
ip6 filter output log flags all

# counter packets number bytes number
# counter { packets number | bytes number }

# save packet nfmark in conntrack.
ct mark set meta mark

# set zone mapped via interface.
table inet raw {
    chain prerouting {
        type filter hook prerouting priority -300;
        ct zone set iif map { "eth1" : 1, "veth1" : 2 }
    chain output {
        type filter hook output priority -300;
        ct zone set oif map { "eth1" : 1, "veth1" : 2 }

# restrict events reported by ctnetlink.
ct event set new,related,destroy

# meta {mark | priority | pkttype | nftrace} set value

# limit rate [over] packet_number / TIME_UNIT [burst packet_number packets]
# limit rate [over] byte_number BYTE_UNIT / TIME_UNIT [burst byte_number 

# TIME_UNIT := second | minute | hour | day
# BYTE_UNIT := bytes | kbytes | mbytes

# create a suitable table/chain setup for all further examples
add table nat
add chain nat prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority 0; }
add chain nat postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100; }

# translate source addresses of all packets leaving via eth0 to address
add rule nat postrouting oif eth0 snat to

# redirect all traffic entering via eth0 to destination address
add rule nat prerouting iif eth0 dnat to

# translate source addresses of all packets leaving via eth0 to whatever
# locally generated packets would use as source to reach the same destination
add rule nat postrouting oif eth0 masquerade

# redirect incoming TCP traffic for port 22 to port 2222
add rule nat prerouting tcp dport 22 redirect to :2222

# inet family:
# handle ip dnat:
add rule inet nat prerouting dnat ip to
# handle ip6 dnat:
add rule inet nat prerouting dnat ip6 to fe80::dead
# this masquerades both ipv4 and ipv6:
add rule inet nat postrouting meta oif ppp0 masquerade

# Example ruleset for tproxy statement.
table ip x {
    chain y {
        type filter hook prerouting priority -150; policy accept;
        tcp dport ntp tproxy to
        udp dport ssh tproxy to :2222
table ip6 x {
    chain y {
        type filter hook prerouting priority -150; policy accept;
        tcp dport ntp tproxy to [dead::beef]
        udp dport ssh tproxy to :2222
table inet x {
    chain y {
        type filter hook prerouting priority -150; policy accept;
        tcp dport 321 tproxy to :ssh
        tcp dport 99 tproxy ip to
        udp dport 155 tproxy ip6 to [dead::beef]:smux

flow add @flowtable

# send to machine with ip address on eth0
ip filter forward dup to device "eth0"

# copy raw frame to another interface
netdetv ingress dup to "eth0"
dup to "eth0"

# combine with map dst addr to gateways
dup to ip daddr map { : "eth0", : "eth1" }

fwd to device

# Example for simple blacklist.

# declare a set, bound to table "filter", in family "ip". Timeout and size are 
mandatory because we will add elements from packet path.
add set ip filter blackhole "{ type ipv4_addr; flags timeout; size 65536; }"

# whitelist internal interface.
add rule ip filter input meta iifname "internal" accept

# drop packets coming from blacklisted ip addresses.
add rule ip filter input ip saddr @blackhole counter drop

# add source ip addresses to the blacklist if more than 10 tcp connection 
requests occurred per second and ip address.
# entries will timeout after one minute, after which they might be re-added if 
limit condition persists.
add rule ip filter input tcp flags syn tcp dport ssh meter flood size 128000 { 
ip saddr timeout 10s limit rate over 10/second} add @blackhole { ip saddr 
timeout 1m } drop

# inspect state of the rate limit meter:
list meter ip filter flood

# inspect content of blackhole:
list set ip filter blackhole

# manually add two addresses to the set:
add element filter blackhole {, }

# select DNAT target based on TCP dport:
# connections to port 80 are redirected to,
# connections to port 8888 are redirected to
add rule ip nat prerouting dnat tcp dport map { 80 :, 8888 : }

# source address based SNAT:
# packets from net will appear as originating from,
# packets from net will appear as originating from
add rule ip nat postrouting snat to ip saddr map { :, : }

# jump to different chains depending on layer 4 protocol type:
add rule ip filter input ip protocol vmap { tcp : jump tcp-chain, udp : jump 
udp-chain , icmp : jump icmp-chain }

monitor ruleset

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