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bug#36558: When the user forgets the filename when using M-x grep

From: 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Subject: bug#36558: When the user forgets the filename when using M-x grep
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2019 02:48:10 +0800

>>>>> "TK" == Tak Kunihiro <homeros.misasa@gmail.com> writes:
TK> How about something like this?
TK> (grep-apply-setting 'grep-command (cons "grep --color -nH --null -e  *" 28))

Ah! But I need something that I can put in (some grep hook in) .emacs. 
Something without the
flags hardwired into it. Something that just takes what grep gives me
and then adds "  *" to it and moves backwards like yours does without
hardwiring numbers. And even worth mentioning on grep's docstring too.

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