Immediate Release:
(NEW YORK CITY) : Come November, The Festival Rag, a
new online periodical dedicated to true independent filmmaking and filmmakers,
will be broadcast to thousands of media-industry subscribers.
The monthly
newsletter will pick up the buzz on the indie fare now showing at film
festivals worldwide, and will also shine fresh light on the festivals
themselves, which celebrate the best in breakout screen entertainment.
The Rag will feature occasional interviews with the brave
new filmmakers at the vanguard of independent cinema, as well as the bold
festival programmers who showcase their work to the hungry indie world.
climate of independent movies has changed so much," says Rag
Editor-in-Chief Gil S. Ripley. "The so-called 'independent films'
that get released nowadays cannot and should not be considered as such.
Most of these films come from an arm of a major Hollywood studio, or a
mini-major. And that's fine. But they certainly aren't independent."
For films
made outside the Hollywood circuit, the box-office return is negligible;
their reward is festival word-of-mouth. The biggest notice most indie
films will receive is at film festivals, and Managing Editor Dave Roberts
plans to maximize that attention. "There are great films and filmmakers
out there who can't be heard above the hundred-million dollar din of the
blockbuster," he says. "The Festival Rag is
meant to be their megaphone."
Through the
online entertainment portal KeMeK, The Festival
Rag will deliver its flagship issue via email on November 3rd,
2003 to its list of more than 20,000 subscribers among the film, television,
theatre and commercial media trades. Subsequent issues will be sent free
of charge on the first Monday of each month, and will be posted online
- the website will offer the entire past-issue archive among a wealth
of indie-film links and resources.
As a subscriber,
you will also be privy to our Breaking News Communiqué:
exclusive, festival news items immediately sent to you as we receive them.
A veteran
of the international film festival circuit, The Rag's
Publisher Markus Varjo is calling out to festival alumni and staff alike
for insider-indie comment. "As the only magazine that will give a
voice to filmmakers at the festivals, we're asking for their thoughts,
comments and reviews." Editorial submissions from filmmakers and
vendors can be sent to Dave Roberts,
Advertising for the first issue is already sold out. The deadline for
the December issue is November 20th - for more information on advertising
rates and standards, contact Mitchell Kleibacker at,
or visit the online
rate card.