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Re: gnatsweb/469: stored query submitting redirects back tomain page

From: Yngve Svendsen
Subject: Re: gnatsweb/469: stored query submitting redirects back tomain page
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2003 23:21:16 +0200

At 09:06 09.04.2003 -0400, alexey@hyperroll.com wrote:
1. a query stored (name is xxx)
2. the stored query is submitted
3. redirected to main page
In gnatsweb.pl, in function submit_stored_query() (near line 2708), replace:
    my $query_url = $q->url() . '?cmd=' . $q->escape('submit query')
          . '&' . $query_string;
    my $query_url = $q->url() . '?cmd=' . $q->escape('submit query')
          . ';' . $query_string;
Thanks for reporting this. It seems to be a problem in only one particular 
browser, but the fix does not seem to affect any of the other (many) 
browsers I have tested it with, so I have committed the fix. Thanks.
Yngve Svendsen
Gnatsweb maintainer

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