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Problems trying to run a report and query with dates :-(

From: Leonardo.Araujo
Subject: Problems trying to run a report and query with dates :-(
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2001 13:54:50 -0400

Hey folks,

That definitively beat me up and I really need your help. We are using
TKGnats-PRS system in our company (Unix/Free BSD server) and the wish83.exe
patchlevel 8.3.1 in the client side (NT workstations). I can add projects,
add bugs and so forth. The problem happens when I try do two things: (BTW: I
searched the archives, but I couldn't find anything about these problems

1. Run a report:

couldn't write file "/tmp/tkq.ps.laraujo": no such file or directory
    while executing
"open "|groff -t -T$Print(Format) $TkGnats(MsMacroSet) > $previewfile" w"
    ("previewer" arm line 6)
    invoked from within
"case $Print(Device) previewer {
   set previewfile /tmp/tkq.ps.$TkGnats(LogName)
        if {[string compare $Print(Format) "troff"] == 0} {
    (procedure "perform_print_cmd" line 23)
    invoked from within
"perform_print_cmd Medium"
    (menu invoke)

2. Run a query with dates:

GNATSD error om cmd: ARAF 2001-07-12 00:00
468 Cannot parse the date: 2001-07-12 00:00

Could anybody help me out? Any ideas are more than welcome.

Thanks for your support,


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