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gnatsweb configuration

From: S Ramesh
Subject: gnatsweb configuration
Date: Thu, 19 Jul 2001 20:37:56 +0530


I have isntalled gnats 3.113.1 version and gnatsweb 2.8.2.
now i have to configure with security

1. whenever i give the url like


it is going to the login page .. but once logged in the cookies got
enalbed in the browser and whenever i reload the page it is not asking
username and password.

in gantsd.conf i have


so everytime username and passwd is needed to login. so how to achieve

2. OK after logged in.. i am creating a PR. but in the reporters mail
id: i can give anybody's mail id know.. what is the security measure for
this. also who is submitting the report - How do we identify this.. (
only by reprotes email id means  he can give anybody's mail id as
reporters mail id know )

3. My third doubt is I have a category and i want only one submitter id
to allow to create a PR.. if it is someother means i have to reject the
report.. how to achieve this.

I am in very much need of these details. Kindly help me


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