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Re: Problem Reports not being sent to second database

From: Yngve Svendsen
Subject: Re: Problem Reports not being sent to second database
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 10:26:28 +0200

At 20:48 01.07.2001 -0400, Wayne Walter wrote:
# GNATS stuff
gnats-admin: gnats
bugs: "| /opt/gnats/libexec/gnats/queue-pr -q"
panabugs: bugs
query-pr: "| /opt/gnats/libexec/gnats/mail-query"
eSM_V2x: "| /opt/gnats/libexec/gnats/queue-pr --run -d /opt/gnats/share/gnats/gnats2-db"
Version2x: eSM_V2x

I have gnats installed in /opt/gnats/share/gnats with one database in /gnats-db and the second database in /gnats2-db.

You seem to have confused the -q and --run options to queue-pr. The eSM_V2x alias should read:

eSM_V2x: "| /opt/gnats/libexec/gnats/queue-pr -q -d /opt/gnats/share/gnats/gnats2-db"

The -q option denotes "queue", and causes queue-pr to dump the submitted PR to /opt/gnats/share/gnats/gnats2-db/gnats-queue

You probably need to check that the file-pr cron job for the second database is correct. This should read approximately as follows:

/usr/local/libexec/gnats/queue-pr --run -d /opt/gnats/share/gnats/gnats2-db

The --run option causes filequeue-pr to invoke the file-pr program which pick up the PR and injects it into the database.

- Yngve

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