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Re: Memory leaks...lots of 'em

From: Shigio Yamaguchi
Subject: Re: Memory leaks...lots of 'em
Date: Fri, 01 Apr 2005 10:00:41 +0900

I have some questions. (Please don't think that I oppose you.)

> They return strbuf_value, and don't close it.  At least some of them seem
> to be intentional, but even if that's the case, it's certainly bad practice.
> (Might it be because these codes were copied from Perl and not yet adapted
> to C?)

Why do you think it is bad practice?

> Since the return values for most of these are immediately flushed to files,
> why don't we pass a (custom) stream to it?  Later on, if and when the
> string is needed, we can implement a "stream" object backed by an on-memory
> buffer (or simply read out the string from the stream).

What and how does it improve?
Is it efficiency, readability or flexibility?
Shigio YAMAGUCHI <address@hidden> - Tama Communications Corporation
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