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brffer overflow

From: don fisher
Subject: brffer overflow
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2005 10:36:46 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20041020


I was trying to use Global to examined a large visualization package (ParaView) While executing htags I received a buffer overflow message that I was able to determine was generated by line 49 strlimcpy.c

 die("buffer overflow. strlimcpy(dest, '%s', %d).", source, limit);

The limit was 1024 at this point. It was called from line 170 of dupindex.c

strlimcpy(first_line, _, sizeof(first_line));

The length of "first_line" is declared as

char first_line[MAXBUFLEN];

As just a hack, I increased the size by a factor of 4 and the code completed. I apologize in advance for not spending more time understanding the rational between the buffer sizes. I have another project, (the one I am trying to employ Global on), that is urgent.

If I had the time I would try to make the allocations dynamic, unless there is an external limit imposed by the HTML spec or....

Thanks for the package,
|    Don Fisher                           address@hidden  |
|    Steward Observatory                                          |
|    933 N. Cherry Ave.                   VOICE: (520)888-7613    |
|    University of Arizona                                        |
|    Tucson, AZ  85721                                            |

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