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From: Shigio Yamaguchi
Subject: [RFC] GLOBAL-4.8
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 10:41:41 +0900

Hi all,
The current CVS repository seems to be stable
I would like to release it as GLOBAL-4.8.

Any objection?


* Moved function now() from gtags.c to libutil/date.c.
* htags: Changed so that the path passed to CGI might be encoded to %xx.
* htags: Rewritten in C language.
* htags: The use of the 'gtags --write' was stopped.
* die.c: New function sethandler() and warning() added.
* gctags/reserved.pl: The use of the --key-positions option of gperf(1)
  was stopped. We need gperf-3.0.1 instead.


* The htags(1) was rewritten in C language completely. It is compatible
  with the perl version and the performance has improved greatly.
  The perl version is left in the package for the time being as
  '/usr/local/bin/htags.pl' by default.
* htags: In PHP language, pickup variables in strings. ("${aaa}")
* gctags: Reserved word __thread added in C and C++.
Shigio Yamaguchi <address@hidden> - Tama Communications Corporation
PGP fingerprint: D1CB 0B89 B346 4AB6 5663  C4B6 3CA5 BBB3 57BE DDA3

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