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VIRUS ALERT! Virus found in message sent by you!

From: vscan
Subject: VIRUS ALERT! Virus found in message sent by you!
Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 09:47:15 -0400 (EDT)

This is an automated message from Pathway Communications' E-mail Virus
Scanning Service which scans all inbound e-mail addressed to Pathway clients
for viruses.

Our virus scanning system has detected that you may have sent to Pathway
client: address@hidden a message infected with the following

your_document.pif       infected: I-Worm.Sobig.f 
your_document.pif       disinfection failed: I-Worm.Sobig.f 

Please note that the e-mail address you see above may have been translated
for delivery from the original virtual e-mail address used by you and your
message may have been disinfected for delivery by our Virus Scanning
Service.   You may wish to take the necessary steps to scan and disinfect
your own computer system.

This message is being sent to you as a matter of record.  Pathway
Communications does not assume any liability or obligation whatsoever,
either directly or indirectly, in respect of identifying, disinfecting or
delivering any e-mail messages received and makes no warranties of any kind,
whether expressed or implied, in relation to the accessibility, accuracy,
reliability, safety or quality of the files or E-mail and exercises no
control and has no responsibility whatsoever over the information passing
through its system. 

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