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[Bug-gcal] Incomplete German Localisation of Gcal

From: Petra Ruebe-Pugliese
Subject: [Bug-gcal] Incomplete German Localisation of Gcal
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 09:30:52 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)


I have been using gcal for years now and find it an extremely
useful little application whenever quick and reliable
information about dates and holidays is required.

It was only yesterday I realized that, when using it in
a German context, quite a lot of words appear in their
English forms, such as:

  "May" instead of "Mai" (in the calendar as well as in the holiday list)
  "St Valentine's Day" instead of "Valentinstag"
  "Valborg's Eve"      instead of "Walpurgisnacht"
         ( ? - I am not quite sure if this is really the same thing! )
  "Seven Sleepers Day" instead of "Siebenschläfer"
  "St Peter and St Paul" instead of "St. Peter und Paul"
  "National Mourning Day" instead of "Volkstrauertag"
  "Sunday of the Dead" instead of "Totensonntag"

I would also replace
  St Nicholas' Eve (DE_BE)                 - Mo,   5 Dez
  Nikolaustag (DE_BE)                      - Di,   6 Dez

Some technical details:
I am running gcal under Debian testing, 
gcal is version 3.6,
and the comman line I am referring to is
 LANGUAGE=de_DE  gcal --cc-holidays=DE_BE --holiday-list=long

Hoping that these remarks may be of some use
    Petra Rübe-Pugliese, Berlin

PS: You may of cause reply in German; it was just because
    of the "gnu.org" domain that I thought English might
    be required.

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