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Re: fixtype: Assertion `n->type == Node_val' failed

From: J Naman
Subject: Re: fixtype: Assertion `n->type == Node_val' failed
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 11:09:13 -0500

I have been getting a 'sounds similar' problem, but haven't narrowed it
down to a simple example that I could submit (yet). I am pretty sure now
that it was caused by a non-existent array element and have already fixed
my problem with a more robust check before the abend. I didn't realize it
was or might have been non-existent, I was thinking null element. Anyway,
my message was:
Assertion failed: r->valref > 0, file awk.h, line 1282
BTW, when I tried to bypass where I thought the problem was, I also ran
into the same error that Daniel Pouzzner reported:
fatal: internal error: file eval.c, line 1358: unexpected parameter type

I will try to rebuild gawk this weekend and rerun the code version, which I
saved. If the fix did not fix me, then I'll dig deeper and report it.
Sounds like the fix cured my problems too (in addition to better code

Configuration Information [Automatically generated, do not change]:
 Gawk Version: GNU Awk 5.2.1, API 3.2, (GNU MPFR 4.0.2, GNU MP 6.1.2)
Machine: x86(32-bit gawk) under a 64-bit OS
OS: Windows_NT = Win 7 [Version 6.1.7601]
platform: mingw
- john naman

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