Thanks for the report. This is pretty strange, as on my Intel macbook
pro, also running Monterey, it works just fine!
Please send me the ouptut of build-aux/config.guess; I will disable
pma on ARM macbooks until Terrence Kelly can look into this.
Thanks for the details attachments, I'm sure they'll be helpful.
Hermann Peifer <peifer@gmx.eu> wrote:
Hi again,
I just started using gawk from git on a rather recent MacBook (Monterey,
arm64). I noted that the pma test hangs with gawk running endlessly,
using 100% CPU. More info below.
Regards, Hermann
> ./gawk -V | head -1
GNU Awk 5.2.0, API 3.2, PMA Avon 7-g1, (GNU MPFR 4.1.0, GNU MP 6.2.1)
> make check
======== Done with MPFR tests ========
======== Starting PMA tests ========
gcc makepmafile.c -o makepmafile
make[3]: *** [pma] Interrupt: 2
make[2]: *** [pma-tests] Interrupt: 2
make[1]: *** [check-recursive] Interrupt: 2
make: *** [check] Interrupt: 2
# Looks like the first run goes fine, but the second run hangs
> cat test/_pma
# Additional test inspired by the gawk manual, error output attached
> truncate -s 4G data.pma
> PMA_VERBOSITY=3 GAWK_PERSIST_FILE=data.pma ../gawk 'BEGIN { print ++i
}' 2>err.1
> PMA_VERBOSITY=3 GAWK_PERSIST_FILE=data.pma ../gawk 'BEGIN { print ++i
}' 2>err.2