Thanks Ed,
I didn't know that awk cared little for spaces as separators. I will
switch to parenthesis, then.
May I suggest this aspect be stressed somewhere in the documentation,
maybe after §1.6, or §6.2 Operators: Doing Something with Values, or
specifically for ++ in §6.2.4. ?
Le 13/09/2022 à 13:40, Ed Morton a écrit :
On 9/13/2022 5:42 AM, Pascal Maugis wrote:
Hi, as promised here is the strange, unexpected behavior of ++ that
looks like an error to me, because in "a ++b", a is incremented
instead of b. "a b++" and "a++ b" produce the correct results however :
touch a.awk
gawk -D -f ./a.awk
eval "a=1 ; b=2"
eval "print a ++b" ; output = 12 : (variables will be incremented
after the operation, ok with me as documented)
eval "print a b" ; output = 22 : a has been incremented
instead of b
eval "print a++b" ; output = 22 :
eval "print a b" ; output = 32 : a has been incremented
The operation seems to be interpreted as "a++b", the space been
uninterpreted as a separator
Pascal - with a few exceptions, white space generally doesn't matter
to awk. If you want to ensure that `a ++b` gets interpreted as `a
(++b)` then that latter is the code you need to write since once you
remove/ignore white space `a++ b` and `a ++b` are both `a++b` which
visually could be interpreted either way.
*Pascal MAUGIS*
Modélisation hydrologique et changement climatique, PhD
Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
Unité Mixte de Recherche CEA-CNRS-UVSQ (UMR 8212), IPSL, Paris-Saclay
Equipe MOSAIC : MOdelisation des SurfAces et Interfaces Continentales
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