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Re: no exit status available when a command doesn't exist or fails in pi

From: Ed Morton
Subject: Re: no exit status available when a command doesn't exist or fails in pipe to grep
Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2021 13:14:59 -0500
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On 9/6/2021 12:47 PM, Neil R. Ormos wrote:
ED MORTON wrote:

I was just trying to write a function that would
do the same for awk that command substitution
does for shell, i.e. run some command and use
it's output in some context, e.g.:
but I need to know the exit status if the
pipeline failed to be able to do that robustly.
I thought I'd have that exit status in the
result of the pipeline:
or in ERRNO:
but clearly I don't. Should `ERRNO` be populated
in that situation? If not, is there any other
way for me to get the exit status of the command
that I ran to pipe it's output to getline, like
I'd have it in the return from system() (which
obviously I can't use for this task):
Use the value returned by close().

The "Closing Input and Output Redirections"
section of the manual says:

| In gawk, starting with version 4.2, when closing
| a pipe or coprocess (input or output), the
| return value is the exit status of the command,
| as described in Table 5.1.29


   $ awk 'BEGIN{cmd="garbage"; (cmd | getline); print close(cmd)}'
   sh: garbage: command not found

I know this is a gawk mailing list but I don't suppose you know of a POSIX equivalent?

   $ awk --posix 'BEGIN{cmd="garbage"; (cmd | getline); print close(cmd)}'
   sh: garbage: command not found



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