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Re: gawk: "please file a bug report"

From: Denis Shirokov
Subject: Re: gawk: "please file a bug report"
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2021 13:38:11 +0300

Hello gawk team

I finally managed to set aside some time to investigate the typeof ()
built-in function problem.

I am attaching a script to reproduce the problem. and in my opinion
this is an extremely strange bug. how the gensub/gsub/sub functions,
when working with a local variable, can affect the contents of the
array A, which is not even passed to it as a parameter, I really don’t
have any idea about it.

however - error will  not reproduce if for-in cycle will be located in
BEGIN area

with the Best Regards and Respect

Denis Shirokov

Attachment: typeof.gwk
Description: Binary data

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