Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2013 17:50:58 -0300
From: Hermann Peifer <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Subject: [bug-gawk] Empty output line when using -o/-p in combination with
I just noted that an additional empty output line is generated when
using -o/-p in combination with -l/@load. I found this issue when
loading the xml extension for processing some GPX data, see [1].
The same behaviour occurs when loading the ordchr extension, see [2] for
an example.
Regards, Hermann
$ awk -f test.awk data.gpx
-29.498221 -51.646213 -29.498362 -51.646196
-29.498362 -51.646196 -29.498435 -51.646128
$ awk -p -f test.awk data.gpx
-29.498221 -51.646213 -29.498362 -51.646196
-29.498362 -51.646196 -29.498435 -51.646128
$ cat test.awk
# gawk profile, created Sun Mar 31 13:28:21 2013
# Loaded extensions (-l and/or @load)
@load "xml"
# Rule(s)
XMLSTARTELEM == "trkseg" {
lat1 = lon1 = ""
XMLSTARTELEM == "trkpt" {
if (lat1 lon1) {
print lat1, lon1, XMLATTR["lat"], XMLATTR["lon"]
lat1 = XMLATTR["lat"]
lon1 = XMLATTR["lon"]
$ cat data.gpx
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<gpx xmlns="" creator="Nuvi" version="1.1">
<trkpt lat="-29.498221" lon="-51.646213">
<trkpt lat="-29.498362" lon="-51.646196">
<trkpt lat="-29.498435" lon="-51.646128">
$ awk -lordchr 'BEGIN{ printf("The numeric value of ?A? is %d\n",
ord("A")) }'
The numeric value of ?A? is 65
$ awk -o -lordchr 'BEGIN{ printf("The numeric value of ?A? is %d\n",
ord("A")) }'
The numeric value of ?A? is 65