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Re: xargs prompts with the same string, but executes differently

From: 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson
Subject: Re: xargs prompts with the same string, but executes differently
Date: Wed, 24 Jul 2019 02:50:52 +0800

But I now "demand" that xargs add a --show-quoting or whatever argument,
so that --verbose, and -p, will now show
'xdotool' 'mousemove' '0 0' 'click' '1' 'mousemove' 'restore' ?...
'xdotool' 'mousemove' '0' '0' 'click' '1' 'mousemove' 'restore' ?...
for people who care about those details,
else there is *no way*, using the xargs command itself, for the user to
know what is about to come flying in his face.

You can't just offer no way to distinguish the two cases, even if saying
something in the fine print of the man page. It's not fair.

"sh -x" already does this.

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